DS Opera - Functionality Hole Leaves Japanese Unsure...

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Topic started: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:14
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Joined 18 Oct 2004
Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:14
Can't really blame 'm. I'm not interested either, no sound, no flash... how will it work with secure pages etc...
Chris C
Joined 10 May 2006
Mon, 10 Jul 2006 14:34
The lack of flash really isn't a bad thing; I got an intel mac early and for a while they didn't natively support flash- to my surprise I really didn't miss it, you get a lot less adverts for example
sound isn't important, I can't think of any sites that are better because they have sound

despite saying that I might not get it, access to the web through a computer is enough for me
majin dboy
Joined 27 May 2005
Mon, 10 Jul 2006 14:44
il be able to check my bebo,on the go but wont be able to show ppl my zelda related flash box

any zelda fans? check this out

Joined 28 Jun 2000
Mon, 10 Jul 2006 17:31
I can't believe anyone's questioning the brilliance of having an Opera DS browser.
Joined 2 Nov 2004
Mon, 10 Jul 2006 18:07
I can't believe anyone's questioning the brilliance of having an Opera DS browser.

They are trying to charge money for software that gives you less functionality than what you can get on the Sony PSP FOR FREE.

Gee, can't see why people aren't interested...
Joined 28 Jun 2000
Mon, 10 Jul 2006 19:30
jordanlund wrote:
They are trying to charge money for software that gives you less functionality than what you can get on the Sony PSP FOR FREE.

Gee, can't see why people aren't interested...

DS Lite + Opera = better than Internet via PSP.
I can't be arsed to list why right now. But it is.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 10 Jul 2006 20:04
TigerUppercut wrote:
I can't be arsed to list why right now. But it is.

That's entirely the kind of useless, smug, arrogant post I have come to expect from you, Stef.

All opinion, no facts to back it up, and a frank admission that the reason for the inadequacy is your own laziness.
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Mon, 10 Jul 2006 20:15
I find browsing the internet on my laptop to be a chore with the little mouse-nub dealy. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that all my portable internet browsing has been a bit of a chore. I've owned multiple iterations of PDAs, both the Palm and Windows variety. It's hard enough to manage with a touch screen the size of my four fingers.

I tried it on the PSP once, and so has since ended my foray into portable internet browsing as it is far too tedious for what I get out of it. I can wait to check my e-mail until I get home.
Joined 7 Aug 2004
Mon, 10 Jul 2006 22:53
"flash- to my surprise I really didn't miss it, you get a lot less adverts for example
sound isn't important, I can't think of any sites that are better because they have sound

Flash is missing ok then.. how are we going to play our favorite shockwave/flash games?
and is only flash missing?

streaming quicktime might be missing? wmv support too???
or not..

are we not to watch movie trailers then? ... and how are we supposed to take our daily youtube dose if sound and flash don't work???

sound not important? how about streaming radio stations? streaming everything. you must be joking.

I'm a huge nintendo fan and this is preposterous :)
they also want money for this? they better do an online firmware update and include it ASAP or i can see this initiative going down in flames.Perhaps then they might as well blame it on immature market factors :)
Joined 28 Jun 2000
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 04:45
DoctorDee wrote:
That's entirely the kind of useless, smug, arrogant post I have come to expect from you, Stef.

That's the kind of needlessly aggressive post I've come to expect from you.

DoctorDee wrote:
All opinion, no facts to back it up, and a frank admission that the reason for the inadequacy is your own laziness.

Or I had work to do... :/ Also, using someone's real name over the forum name is bad form. You should know better!

If you want to know:

There are more connection points for DS
Lite is better-looking (IMO) smaller (fact)
It's going to be quicker to use the touch-pad than entering characters using the PSP's interface
Opera *should* offer enhanced compatibility with more pages
The battery lasts longer
The screen is miles brighter
It affords a higher level of privacy
There's also the fact that it's just a browser, not part of sub-trojan plot to sell you music, games and movies. Though given how much Nintendo likes money, this'll likely change. Depends if they offer upgradable memory via the GBA port.

S**t that it has no sound, however. I always remember Tyrion looking very, VERY serious and saying "The Internet should be silent!"
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 07:00
That's the kind of needlessly aggressive post I've come to expect from you.

YOU think it's needless, but it kind of riles me when people who are paid to write for this publication make smug uninformative posts, and then brag about how they are too lazy to justify them.

TigerUppercut wrote:
Or I had work to do... :/

In which case you should have said "I'm too busy" instead of, "I can't be arsed", but clarity and accuracy are rarely an objective of your writing.

Also, using someone's real name over the forum name is bad form. You should know better!

No, REVEALING someone's true ID on a forum is bad form. When their true identity is already well known on the forum, since they themselves revealed it many times - it's not.

Falling back on netiquette is invariably the sign of a post that is on shaky ground though.

If you want to know:

Oh, I do!

There are more connection points for DS

Notionally. Though the infrastructure providers who are partnering with Nintendo do not prevent other devices from using them on a subscription basis.

Lite is better-looking (IMO) smaller (fact)

It is as good looking, not better (IMO). It's not as small as I expected it to be. The usable browsing screen is much smaller.

It's going to be quicker to use the touch-pad than entering characters using the PSP's interface

Agreed. Though the web is a hypertext medium. You can click through most of it, and put up your own list of bookmarks on your free webspace. So unless you plan to use the DS for your forum posts, this is a negligible advantage.

Opera *should* offer enhanced compatibility with more pages

And you *should* verify your position *before* posting it here.

The battery lasts longer


The screen is miles brighter

And miles smaller. But the PSP' is bright enough. I want to see it not suntan my retina.

It affords a higher level of privacy

Careful, you'll break your fingernails on the bottom of that barrel. Are you suggesting that because it's got a little flap, it's more private? Because that is clearly a fallacy. If the unit is open so that you can see the screen, it is just as visible to snoopers as a PSP. Or is it just because it's screen is so small you have to be 20cm away to be able to tell that you're browsing kiddie porn?

S**t that it has no sound, however. I always remember Tyrion looking very, VERY serious and saying "The Internet should be silent!"

Tyrion is a guy, with an opinion, one you were disagreeing with at the time, yet one that you feel it appropriate to call on now it supports your platform-of-choice's inadequacies. The Internet should not be silent any more than it should be black-and-white, or devoid of animation (Oh, it is on DS!).

Tyrion is a purist and at times a fundamentalist.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 08:11
TigerUppercut wrote:
There are more connection points for DS
Lite is better-looking (IMO) smaller (fact)
It's going to be quicker to use the touch-pad than entering characters using the PSP's interface
Opera *should* offer enhanced compatibility with more pages
The battery lasts longer
The screen is miles brighter
It affords a higher level of privacy
There's also the fact that it's just a browser, not part of sub-trojan plot to sell you music, games and movies. Though given how much Nintendo likes money, this'll likely change. Depends if they offer upgradable memory via the GBA port.

And in the other corner.

The PSP browser is a free addition to the console.
There are as many WAPs for PSP as for DS, just you may have to pay for access.
PSP supports WEP and WPA - dunno about the DS.
PSP is more comfortable to hold (IMHO) due to its size.
The looks of the console have nothing to do with the browser, but I still prefer the PSP.
PSP browser displays flash and supports sound.
The screen is miles wider meaning less sideways scrolling.
If you need privacy for your browsing you should be wanking over porn at home, not on the tube.
Then there's the fact that it's just a browser and not a trojan thing like he said above. There is no effort to guide you to a Sony-sponsored homepage at all, never mind one that tempts you into buying music. In fact, there are movies, music, images and game downloads provided, for free, from the yourpsp.com site.

TigerUppercut wrote:
S**t that it has no sound, however. I always remember Tyrion looking very, VERY serious and saying "The Internet should be silent!"

The internet should be silent, except for when sound is needed, like for movies or music. There should be no clicks, beeps or whistles from buttons on webpages, true, but I'd like to be able to hear the soundtrack to my youtube movies.

I'd be willing to bet the overall experience is roughly the same for both browsers, but I didn't have to pay any extra to get the browser on my PSP.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 08:14
DoctorDee wrote:
Tyrion is a purist and at times a fundamentalist.

Hey! I resemble that remark!
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 08:26
tyrion wrote:

The internet should be silent, except for when sound is needed, like for movies or music. There should be no clicks, beeps or whistles from buttons on webpages, true, but I'd like to be able to hear the soundtrack to my youtube movies.

I [strong]strongly[/strong] disagree with this. I find it hard to say how strongly. I think audio feedback on a webpage can be both pleasing and useful.

We have a selection of senses, purposefully excluding one when we have a medium that supports it is futile. And it's an argument that would see us all rolling back the TV to being radio. And then getting rid of the sound, and just guessing what it was they were going to broadcast.

I'd be willing to bet the overall experience is roughly the same for both browsers.

Except, of course, for the DS's FAR smaller screen. When it comes to browsing, IMO and up to a reasonable limit like 800 (or 1024) wide, the more pixels the better.
Joined 28 Jun 2000
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 08:37
Avoiding your over-personal, entirely inappropriate quagmire, a line of debate-manipulation wholly ironic given your barrel-scraping, netiquette-complaint debunking high-ground... Let's just leave that and get back to the matter at hand. You are right, I should have been less callous with my post. Noted.

Notionally. Though the infrastructure providers who are partnering with Nintendo do not prevent other devices from using them on a subscription basis.

Yes. So the DS is better in this respect.

It is as good looking, not better (IMO). It's not as small as I expected it to be. The usable browsing screen is much smaller.

Okay, yeah, aesthetically, they're about on par. The DS offers the Internet in your pocket though, the PSP does not. This is an advantage becuase to take a PSP around, you're going to need a manbag.

As for usable browsing screen, it's more about shape that raw pixel count. The DS offers a more sensible shape for browsing, given the nature and shape of web pages. I think this is just a fact.

It's going to be quicker to use the touch-pad than entering characters using the PSP's interface

Agreed. Though the web is a hypertext medium. You can click through most of it, and put up your own list of bookmarks on your free webspace. So unless you plan to use the DS for your forum posts, this is a negligible advantage.

So you're saying that as long as you only want to read stuff, they are equal. Even that's totally wrong. Answer this: Would you rather just tap a link with a stylus or cycle through a slew of hyperlinks to get what you want? Rubbish argument that highlights a key weakness when the two platforms' browser capabilities are compared. I do believe Sony's latest update adds enhances analogue nub navigation though I've not spent time with it in any meaningful way.

And you *should* verify your position [TU: on the assertion Opera should offer a higher level of web compatibility than the PSP browser] *before* posting it here.

Opera is a great browser. It was your Browser from Jesus. After you heralded Safari. After Firefox. I'm just trying to keep up. ;) Like I said, it should do. The PSP browser is a ball-ache, if you use it for ten minutes, you know why. When you sue it, you wish it were touch-screen.

The screen is miles brighter

And miles smaller. But the PSP' is bright enough. I want to see it not suntan my retina.

I'm glad you agree the battery life is a clear winner for the DS. However, your claim that a the DS Lite's screen is too bright is disingenuous in the extreme. You say"I want to see it not suntan my retina." Funny, because if you go outside and it's even a remotely sunny day, you *cannot* see your PSP. Meanwhile, DS users can browse away and their eyeballs are in no way impacted. Come on...

Careful, you'll break your fingernails on the bottom of that barrel. Are you suggesting that because it's got a little flap, it's more private? Because that is clearly a clear. If the unit is open so that you can see the screen, it is just as visible to snoopers as a PSP. Or is it just because it's screen is so small you have to be 20cm away to be able to tell that you're browsing kiddie porn?

To claim barrel-scraping, just before your third mention of screen size is more unfortunate irony, especially as you ignored the pixel-count vs usable shape issue as outlined above. Also, I think you misrepresent the way in which each machine is used, another example of a disingenuous, not to mention selectively-quoted post and ignoring the fingernail-snapping kiddie-porn reference.

Hold a DS in your in your hand, stylus in the other, and imagine being in public, not wanting the person next to you to read what you're doing. You could imagine this to be an email you are writing to a loved one, something you'd actually be able to to do with ease and speed on the Nintendo platform. Because the positioning on the console is reliant on just one arm, the input on the other, a far greater level of flexibility, resulting in privacy is afforded.

The PSP requires both arms to be used in a single configuration. Your only option is how close you hold it to your face.

Just try it with both machines. If you don't agree, you're lying.

S**t that it has no sound, however. I always remember Tyrion looking very, VERY serious and saying "The Internet should be silent!"

Tyrion is a guy, with an opinion, one you were disagreeing with at the time, yet one that you feel it appropriate to call on now it supports your platform-of-choice's inadequacies. The Internet should not be silent any more than it should be black-and-white, or devoid of animation (Oh, it is on DS!).

No, I wasn't calling on it for anything other than the nostalgia it offers. It's something I remember vividly for some reason, probably because I disagreed with it. As I said, having no sound sucks.

You never know, perhaps Nintendo will release an update. You know, like the ones you have to download every three days for the desperately rushed and buggy PSP browser...
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