Retailer Blows Lid on PlayStation 3. Launch With 30 Games Dated for US

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Topic started: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 11:53
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Joined 23 Apr 2004
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 11:53
A whopping $59.99? Isn't that around £40, and therefore noticably cheaper than what I consider to be an extortionate £50 average for Xbox 360 games?
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 12:05
schnide wrote:
A whopping $59.99? Isn't that around £40, and therefore noticably cheaper than what I consider to be an extortionate £50 average for Xbox 360 games?

360 games retail for $45-$60 in the US - with $60 being the mode average.

So there's no difference.

Joined 14 Jul 2004
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 12:43
Mind you, $59.99 usually equates to £59.99 over here anyway. Welcome to Taxland. I mean, England. =P
Joined 27 Jan 2004
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 12:50
$59.99 = £34.

$499 = £284

Consindering the PS2 (and PS1?) launched at £299, with games at £39.99, the prices are coming down. I've seen 360 games no cheaper than £40, usually £44.99, so if PS3 comes along with a much stronger lineup, retailing for less, it's a good thing. I don't understand why people bitch and moan when they hear £300 as a possible price tag, for tech today that's not that high. When DVD players launched they were hundreds of pounds, now you can go to ASDA and get one for £20. So you get what should be the most powerful advanced console, a next-gen Blu Ray movie player, internet capabilities out of the box, for less than the cost of the clunky old PS2...
Joined 2 Jul 2004
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 13:33
For those forgetting that US prices do not include taxes, here's the equivalent UK prices:

US$59.99 = GB£34.36 + VAT@17.5% = GB£40.37

US$499 = GB£285.72 + VAT@17.5% = GB£335.72

Sony have a tendency to add on a "leeway" to account for possible currency excahnge rate fluctuations, so I wouldn't be surprised to see prices of GB£45 for games and GB£350 for the PS3.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 13:34
Gosh, I wouldn't pay £40 for any game.

Thank God for Nintendo.
Zoyd Wheeler
Joined 28 Jan 2006
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 15:22
I'm still not convinced. All the other 'evidence' to date is suggesting an early 2007 launch no?

Or do we think the US and Japan are going to get PS3 late 2006 and Europe perhaps lag behind and not see anything till Spring 2007?
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 15:34
Yeah, I believe that's the current guestimate.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 15:38
Zoyd Wheeler wrote:
I'm still not convinced. All the other 'evidence' to date is suggesting an early 2007 launch no?

Or do we think the US and Japan are going to get PS3 late 2006 and Europe perhaps lag behind and not see anything till Spring 2007?

What evidence?! If it wasn't March, then it's going to be this fall/winter. Maybe 2007 for Europe. Launching a console AFTER the holiday season is not a good idea. Letting Microsoft have TWO Christmases in a row, ain't gonna happen.
Joined 26 Jan 2005
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 16:35
I believe that the Revolution will be ready for a global release this year hopefully a couple of months before PS3.
I think that Sony will rush the production of their PS3, I do not believe it is as far developed as Nintendo's next console and is sure to be released full of bugs and problems due to that.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 16:54
ann0uk wrote:
I think that Sony will rush the production of their PS3, I do not believe it is as far developed as Nintendo's next console and is sure to be released full of bugs and problems due to that.

That's impossible to say given both parties have a very tight-lipped approach to their new babies.

With developers and suppliers under strict NDAs and, rather miserably, sticking to them, we hardly know what's going on behind the scenes - let alone how advanced production is.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 17:27
config wrote:
That's impossible to say given both parties have a very tight-lipped approach to their new babies.

while we certainly cant sya for sure i feel its a pretty safe bet that nintendos system is much further along in the design phase than sony.
1) nintendo has a history of very very very sold design, both in hardware and software and do not seem to be rushing this one in any way. the snes was finished for 2 years before we saw it in the states.
2)sony is some what know for having shoddy construction... ps1 tipped on its side to work... ps2 drives failing? (yes i know ms is similar before somone accuses my of fanboying)
3)the revolution does not include an new experimental proccessor nor does it include a new incredibly expensive propriatary disk format.

i dont feel the ps3 will be "bug ridden" but i do imagine it to be just as if not more buggy than the 360's are. especially if they do indeed plan to launch some sort of xboxlive killer in tandem with the system.
Joined 29 Sep 2005
Tue, 7 Feb 2006 18:14
Lupos, sweet point about nintendo using tried and tested technology. I can't believe that early ps3's will not suffer some kind of technological failures, comparable to the 360 launch (though I really don't believe the problems were as widespread as the media made them out to be).

Again comparing it to the 360 launch, assuming that the ps3 is released during the summer in japan (which is the equivilent of our holiday season. Japanese kids apparently don't have time to game during school terms, so the summer is the major blow out season for console/game buying) and they make the october launch with a European launch soon after, e.g. pre-xmas (anything else would be a huge snub to europe - especially since MS risked alienating their core market to bring us 360s), it'll be interesting to see what other consoles are bought as alternatives to the inevitiable shortages? This year I heard the PSP touted as the alternative to the 360, with current gen systems falling by the way side. I can concieve shortages for ps3s resulting in an increased amount of sales for the revolution (assuming its released as well) due to the relative cheapness and (if Ninty play their cards right) appeal to all ages - something that would come in handy round the xmas tree, instead of bloody monopoly.

Anyway I really doubt that Sony will be able to produce a "live killer", maybe an inferior service but they'll struggle to provide anything as solid or user friendly as live.
Joined 11 Dec 2005
Wed, 8 Feb 2006 04:12
This is good news for me, i have about $1000 saved up for the launch, and $60 dollars is a good game price for me. Lets say the PS3 is $500, the remotes are $50 and the games are $60, i could easly exceed my launch asperations of 2 controllers and 3 games
king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Wed, 8 Feb 2006 11:40
tg0006 wrote:
This is good news for me, i have about $1000 saved up for the launch, and $60 dollars is a good game price for me. Lets say the PS3 is $500, the remotes are $50 and the games are $60, i could easly exceed my launch asperations of 2 controllers and 3 games

$60/£50 is such a rip off for games. $20-£25 is better price point.

I think gamespot where a bit optimistic with there predictions last time with the 360 release, a month early I think.

I can't see some of those games making it on launch day. Especially MGS and Vision GT... these games are normally a year or two after launch.

But that would be an amazing launch line up. Would be amazed if it was anything like that.
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