Xbox 360: $299 and $399 Pricing and Hard Drive Mystery Explained

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Topic started: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 11:35
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Joined 17 May 2005
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 11:35 that two wireless controllers, or one in the 399 package? Either that, or do people in the UK use "wireless controller" to also mean "wireless adapter?"

Joined 18 Oct 2004
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 11:38
TwoADay wrote: that two wireless controllers, or one in the 399 package? Either that, or do people in the UK use "wireless controller" to also mean "wireless adapter?"

beat me to it...
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 13:01
20GB hard drive sounds good but what do you get for the one without? Is it possible to buy the harddrive separately or would you have to rely on stupid memeory cards to do everything?

Wonder if you could attach a non MS hard drive of a larger size?
Joined 5 Mar 2004
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 14:00
Bah, stupid move, MS. They should know better than to make a major functional part of a console optional. What's the HD for? Is it only to store LIVE details and downloadable content, or will it be used for background loading like in the XBOX? If it's the latter, will this mean non-HD owners get longer loading screens?
Jesus MS, get a grip!
Joined 17 May 2005
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 15:35
All right, so it's fixed.

Offering the non-HD model is confusing to me. What's MS thinking? I thought most of the games (and Live) would take advantage of it, seeing how the Xbox has one...

This is disappointing news, to me. I'll be waiting for a price drop - but I was thinking this was the most likely scenario anyway. Good thing there are very few games announced that I would really, really want (Oblivion is the only one that comes to mind, actually) 400 large is a little TOO large for me to buy...
Joined 17 May 2005
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 15:40
Joji wrote:
20GB hard drive sounds good but what do you get for the one without? Is it possible to buy the harddrive separately or would you have to rely on stupid memeory cards to do everything?

Wonder if you could attach a non MS hard drive of a larger size?

According to Gamespot, the HD will be sold separately for $99.99 American, 69.99 Pounds) so you'll have to get the 399 for the best "bang-for-the-buck."

I've said already, but I'll say it again. Ouch.
Joined 2 Apr 2005
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 16:36
Couldn't they include small harddrive and wireless controller in standard package too.I think 300$ pack is seriously lacking for a console calling itself next-gen, i'd never get it that's for sure.I'll save
400$ until PS3 comes out, when concrete tech and software comparison can be made.In my opinion deluxe should be a basic package only without a remote control.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 17:58
I hear you Busty. Another good alternative I'm surprise the haven't done is just offer a small hard drive for your £300, if you get 20GB for £400 wouldn't a 10GB be more reasonable for £300?

A 20GB harddrive on it's own is pretty cheap so it should be interesting to see how much MS try to take us to the cleaners for. £70 is a little steep for one to add to a £300 360. If it's 20GB it should be more like £40-50 surely.

Nice to have the option to keep the cost down though and get it later.
Joined 15 Apr 2004
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 18:14
Not Interested
Joined 17 May 2005
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 18:19
Joji wrote:
I hear you Busty. Another good alternative I'm surprise the haven't done is just offer a small hard drive for your £300, if you get 20GB for £400 wouldn't a 10GB be more reasonable for £300?

A 20GB harddrive on it's own is pretty cheap so it should be interesting to see how much MS try to take us to the cleaners for. £70 is a little steep for one to add to a £300 360. If it's 20GB it should be more like £40-50 surely.

Nice to have the option to keep the cost down though and get it later.

Admitably though, there is more to that bundle than the HD, although many don't care too much about the other stuff. Wireless controller (vs wired one on the 299. A wireless is supposed to retail for 50 american. that's right, 50 bucks) high-def AV cables (which usually run about 30 bucks, I think) wireless hedset, ect ect.

Granted, the HD is the big deal, but just because it is, doesn't mean that's ALL you get for the 100 bucks.

What is more interesting than the price (which means I will wait-and-see for a price drop) is that some people won't have the HD. Do people without a HD loose backward capability? The Halo games stream data to them, after all. What about future games? When Halo 3 comes out, will it only work on HD enabled Xboxes?

More things to speculate...
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 18:24
Got this link from a friend. Have a butchers at it.

Joined 14 Jul 2005
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 20:36
WHY the heck doesn't Online Silver include online play?!?

"Subscribers to the Gold level of service will also enjoy access to online multiplayer gaming in their favorite games" :( :( :( :(
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Wed, 17 Aug 2005 21:22
supadupagama wrote:
WHY the heck doesn't Online Silver include online play?!?

"Subscribers to the Gold level of service will also enjoy access to online multiplayer gaming in their favorite games" :( :( :( :(

Because the alternative would be NO Silver tier at all, and a continuation of the old LIVE! model.

Providing, gratis, online access to the LIVE! Network for everything other than actually playing the games is something I've been advocating almost sinve LIVE!'s inception, MS is finally doing the right thing and providing free access to game patches...not to mention downloadable content, chat functions and the Arcade, and someone has to see a problem with it...greedy little children...

I say Bravo MicroSoft! (on that score at least) Took you ignorant bastards long enough...

99 bucks for a 20 GB hdd SEEMS like the worst kind of corporate greed, we'll see what else you get with it...I was hoping for something rather larger than a 20 gig, well aside from the obvious nefarious motives theres one thing one the 360 that presents itself as a legitimate target for modding, course knowing MS, in order to install a nonstandard hdd, you'll prolly need to crack the whole thing, which means people who would have been satisfied with a larger hard drive will, instead, have fully cracked boxes which won't work on LIVE!...

I would also like to point out that by offering free access to the LIVE! network MS is encouraging you to "check in" with Bigger Brother, something for you guys in the tinfoil hats to ponder. They prolly could have cut into casual piracy (the REAL problem
) had the they implemented this earlier THIS generation.

I want a bloody DVI cable damn it...
Joined 20 Dec 2004
Thu, 18 Aug 2005 08:11
I've been reading this story across several sites and I still don't understand the point of it. The price they have for the full system with everything you are going to need is pretty good I think but the 'core system' package just sounds pointless.
I don't think it's very clever splitting your market into 2 and I wouldn't be very happy buying the cheaper one then finding out in 6 months time that I can only use half the features in the new game that I've bought and if I want to use it all I need to go shell out more cash.
I think XBOX360 looks alright though. It looks like a lot has gone into it and it's got a lot of games coming outand it's got a resonable price......
But I'm still not buying one.
I'm too skint
Joined 17 May 2005
Thu, 18 Aug 2005 12:52
The more I think about it, it almost makes sense -- but in the end, it doesn't.

You get a parent or someone who doesn't know much aobut video games looking at the packages, and then buys the core. The gamer knows they will have to get the other stuff, but at least they have the core system while they save up the cash for the rest of the parts.

Either that, or someone decides to "go it slow" for whatever reason, and just upgrade for the specific games they want.

In theory, it *might* make sense. But not when we're talking 299 vs 399. The price diferences are too small between the two (and yes, i know they're trying to sell more 399, but they're forcing that by making reportedly 85% the 399 version)

perhaps if the core was 250, or 225, in which the 399 is still a better deal, but it's not so crazy that people all around the world won't be saying on the formus "WTF what n00b buyz the core" it would actually make sense.

MS is attempting to see if the Razor-razorblade market strategy works for videogame consoles and their required "extra" parts. I think they'll be left with a lot of cores...
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