Updated Final Fantasy VII Headed for PlayStation 3

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Topic started: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 12:58
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Joined 5 Apr 2005
Wed, 22 Jun 2005 12:58
Ah. Associated Press or The Guardian style journalism at its best. Sony and SquareEnix show off an "intro movie" from FF7 running off of a PC meant to "emulate" a PS3 at Sony's press conference and naturally, the idiot rags assume it's a real deal. That said: "Where's our FF8 for PS2? You know.. since the PS2 was obviously "powerful" enough to render the ballroom sequence in that game "on the fly." Meh.
Joined 4 May 2005
Wed, 22 Jun 2005 17:43
I think if they do release its very bad for the industry... it tells developers that "Hey not only can we sell them similar titles repeatedly, but that they are god damn dumb enough to buy the same thing if we give it some pretty graphics! Easy money!!!"

You FF7 dorks need to get over it. Having a graphical superior version won't mean s**t in the end. You'll just have the same game, but pretty... maybe some voice acting... horrible American voice actors of course... and like one or two stupid extras.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Wed, 22 Jun 2005 18:51
PEN15 wrote:
"Hey not only can we sell them similar titles repeatedly, but that they are god damn dumb enough to buy the same thing if we give it some pretty graphics! Easy money!!!"

So your saying that games that aren't remakes are without flaw. Doom is essentially Wolfenstein with better graphics. I mean sure it has some innovation, but compare Duke Nukem and Shadow warrior, fighting game x with fighting game y. I'd rather have a sea of classic games updated than have these hacks pumping out GTA and SF clones at $50 bucks a pop. Your telling me you wouldn't want to play a suped up redone Legend of Zelda. If it's a good game, a graphical update is a good idea.

I think also this is the guy who panned video game music for not being real music and defends the Turok franchise. I have no faith in your judgement.
Joined 4 May 2005
Wed, 22 Jun 2005 19:10
I'm a game music whore so you have me mistaken on that part. But I do in fact like Turok however if they gave it a graphical upgrade and kept everything exacly the same... trust me I wouldn't buy it.

Whats the point? I'm buying Ninja Gaiden Black because its a good game AND there are significant changes being made across the board. My favorite RPG is Xenogears and while a visual update would be awesome it isn't something I'd go out and buy on the same day. It would merely be a rent since I've been there done that and will finish the game much faster then when I first played.

How can you not see spewing out the same game for a higher price incredibly stupid? Unless your a game collector average joe gamer won't have a need to buy it. FF7 had the greatest marketing strategy in history... show nothing but cut scenes to get them to buy the game. I even fell for it as I had never even laid hands on an RPG at the time. Then when I saw a friend playing midway through I said "What the f**k are those Lego block characters doing?" Once I realized those were in game graphics and that the commercial only showed cutscene my interest went immediately to zero and went back to playing my N64 with games that looked good in game.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Wed, 22 Jun 2005 20:33
First you know nothing of what Team Ninja are going to do the Gaiden game. What they say and what is really is are going to be two different things. Secondly, you really think the game gods that are Square-Enix are just going to give FF VII a graphical upgrade? Thirdly, I find it funny that you lampoon people for buying remakes and then you go and say that your now buying one defending your reason by claiming that the game is good and it's GOING TO BE DIFFERENT. Ya know, if there going to rebuplish/remake/repackage/re-whatever a game, of course it's going to be good. Would you buy a copy of Superman 64 with better graphics?
Joined 4 May 2005
Wed, 22 Jun 2005 20:58
vault 13 wrote:
First you know nothing of what Team Ninja are going to do the Gaiden game. What they say and what is really is are going to be two different things. Secondly, you really think the game gods that are Square-Enix are just going to give FF VII a graphical upgrade? Thirdly, I find it funny that you lampoon people for buying remakes and then you go and say that your now buying one defending your reason by claiming that the game is good and it's GOING TO BE DIFFERENT. Ya know, if there going to rebuplish/remake/repackage/re-whatever a game, of course it's going to be good. Would you buy a copy of Superman 64 with better graphics?

Have you actually read anything on Ninja Gaiden Black? Because from what has been released in screenshots alone prove that the game is going to be different and will even include an extra Ninja Gaiden arcade unlockable. Different enemies, changed boss battles, fighting evil Ryu, etc are to be included. So I wasn't defending anything seeing as there is PROOF the game will be different.

Also seeing as Square has run fresh out of ideas they are whoring out the FF franchise to death much like EA whores out every franchise thats a hit. I've heard many an FF fan talk about wanting a remake with better graphics and voice acting. I've heard nothing beyond that. I haven't heard anyone say they want an expanded storyline, more depth added to the combat, more side missions, etc. They simply want a prettier picture and to not have to read. Seeing as an FF7 remake is to not only appease fans and garner new ones to the FF series they have no reason to change anything since the fans are happy just getting the same old same old.

I have nothing against anyone wanting the game I just think its stupid. Thats my opinion on it. I won't look down upon anyone who buys it, but I'd rather spent my money on a franchise I like like Perfect Dark Zero because its a prequel or Ninja Gaiden Black because it has been reworked and sold at a lower price... which is another reason its a good deal.

I am as much of a graphics whore as the next guy, but its not worth a game purchase if its the exact same s**t...
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Thu, 23 Jun 2005 00:31
One-you never answered my question.

2-why fix what's not broken.

c-if your a graphics whore then you don't play your old games assumedly so having graphical updates would be beneficial to you wanting ro play your favorite game without going into low polyogn count shock.

Zeta-your also assuming that people have played these classics before. What if someone hasn't played Mario Bros. yet!?
Joined 20 May 2004
Thu, 23 Jun 2005 07:16
I'd imagine the reasoning is simple:

1. Sorry FFVII fans, but it did look awful. It was nigh-on SNES level.
2. They could fit the entire thing, in near-real graphics, on a single disc. No swapping discs, just continuity. Fans WOULD pay for that, you can ask the people still playing the PC version.
3. As all the original titles seem to be on Nintendo machines, they need something to keep Sony sweet.
Joined 4 May 2005
Thu, 23 Jun 2005 17:28
vault 13 wrote:
One-you never answered my question.

2-why fix what's not broken.

c-if your a graphics whore then you don't play your old games assumedly so having graphical updates would be beneficial to you wanting ro play your favorite game without going into low polyogn count shock.

Zeta-your also assuming that people have played these classics before. What if someone hasn't played Mario Bros. yet!?

You mean the superman question? Thats a stupid question so I ignored it.

I'm a graphics whore in the sense that I like looking at a pretty picture... on the basis that the content is quality. I don't play the FF series not because they don't look good, but because I find them user unfriendly (I don't play many RPGs). I do like high quality graphics, but I could play an ugly game that is incredibly fun. Xenogears has horrible graphics compared to FF games out at the same time... but gameplay is by far superior.

Also I do play my old games. However I wouldn't waste money on a prettier version... maybe if they sold it at budget, but I would never pay full price. However the one disc thing the guy said above me is a good reason if you have a PS3... though if you don't have one I wouldn't see it as a reason to purchase a console.

As a side note I am currently playing FF7 for the first time and I gotta admit I'm pretty unamazed by the game. At first I didn't like the combat, but the materia system grew on me. However the characters are so lame and boring. The racial steroetypes for Barret were funny at first and now they just annoy me. Aeris died and I had not one ounce of sadness that so many claimed. Sorry to the FF 7 fanboys who are guaranteed to start flaming me.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Thu, 23 Jun 2005 19:31
PEN15 wrote:
Xenogears has horrible graphics compared to FF games out at the same time... but gameplay is by far superior.

That's what you get when you use full 3D backgrounds instead of static images. And the gameplay was quite flawed in some places (tell me those mech battles weren't unnecessarily long and drawn out and boring). I don't see any superiority in either game. Both are deep, customizable, and fun.
Joined 4 May 2005
Thu, 23 Jun 2005 20:40
Well my whole point is that ANY remake should be more then just a visual change. Everyone should take note of how Ninja Gaiden Black and even better REmake was done.

Square worries me with their whoring. I personally don't play many RPGs, but as a whole its bad for the industry when companies besides EA and Capcom start whoring out franchises. While they should update any and everything in the game they should have an 'original mode' for purist who found the game oh so flawless.

Edit: The mech combat wasn't as deep, but playing as the character NEVER stopped being fun. To be honest the only reason I'm even enjoying FF7's combat is cus I like leveling up. I mean I like any game that lets me be stronger and stronger and I can get that from any RPG... hell even RTSs let me do that.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Fri, 24 Jun 2005 06:23
PEN15 wrote:
...I mean I like any game that lets me be stronger and stronger and I can get that from any RPG... hell even RTSs let me do that.

Yeah well your wrong again. It's the nicely rendered and interesting places to go AND deep character customization that make leveling up fun. You level up to learn new attacks to make fighting harder monsters more feasible to then make it to the next new area. Thus is the code of RPGs. If leveling up was so fun, then every RPG would be a ten.
Joined 4 May 2005
Fri, 24 Jun 2005 17:27
vault 13 wrote:
PEN15 wrote:
...I mean I like any game that lets me be stronger and stronger and I can get that from any RPG... hell even RTSs let me do that.

Yeah well your wrong again. It's the nicely rendered and interesting places to go AND deep character customization that make leveling up fun. You level up to learn new attacks to make fighting harder monsters more feasible to then make it to the next new area. Thus is the code of RPGs. If leveling up was so fun, then every RPG would be a ten.

ACtually your wrong... I was stating my opinion on what I liked about RPGs. I could care less about the places I've been to in FF7, but just simply getting stronger I find fun. I'm a child of Doom so I can play in the same environments for hours as long as I get bigger guns to fight nastier baddies. I apply the same with RPGs PERSONALLY. I was in no way stating that leveling up is the only reason RPGs are fun for everyone... thats just my main attraction and you proved my point in that FF7 is nothing special because I could get the same leveling up in any game since I'm not interested in the story and characters so far. However my friend swears that the game gets better in disc two...

...personally I think any game that has to get to the 2nd disc before its fun is a poorly constructed game. I'm an FPS junkie so immediate gratification and fun is what I'm use to and this slow pace boring style isn't all that inviting. Xenogears kicked off with a bang right from the get go with a game that was hard no matter how leveled up you are. In FF7 I'm practically invincible right now at level 60. An enemy auto adjust would have been nice... I guess they can add that to the remake though.
Fri, 25 May 2007 00:59
I am sad to ruin all expectations but this was not meant to mean they were making a game. It was just a technical demo showing how great the ps3's graphics would be and what it would look like if they actually did bring this back. I actually bought the ps1 game off of ebay for $60 and i must say it was worth it. I am not saying they are not making a remake, I am just commenting on what the producer of sony had said in an interview. I, personally, was kind of crushed but mostly pissed when i heard the news. Still if they remade this game, It would be awesome! Especially if they took the effects off of ff7:ac like they did on the tech demo and used them in the game.
Thu, 18 Jun 2009 16:41
i really think they should make another final fantasy vii to go with crises core same story but better graphices like FFVII advent children
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