Sony Patents Real World Version of The Matrix

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Topic started: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 09:28
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Joined 4 Apr 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 09:28
I can see the headlines now. 'Sony accused of brainwashing cinema goers'
Joined 28 Feb 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 10:33
If Sony employ the same quality control standards they use in their TVs, HI-Fis and consoles to these devices, we're f**ked.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 18:22
You see how innovative sony is. They can f**k up my brain anytime, yahoooooooo!
Joined 1 Sep 2004
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 19:34
Sounds like they all ready have (no offence neocarrillo)
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 19:49
how can sony patent something that isnt technologicaly possible to date...

but im with the other dude, if sony doesnt change from their current pattern of quality... were all skrewed.

imagine the customer support on the PSP, as this matrix device...

'losing senses in 4-5 parts of your body is normal, and is not a malfunction...'
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 20:04
Mac wrote:
Sounds like they all ready have (no offence neocarrillo)

None taken my friend. I be seeing your post's alot are you a xbox guy, ps2 guy or nintendo guy. Maybe your all of them. Im a ps2 guy and an occasional nintendo guy, well nintendo I like for zelda and metroid.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 20:08
warbaby wrote:
how can sony patent something that isnt technologicaly possible to date...

but im with the other dude, if sony doesnt change from their current pattern of quality... were all skrewed.

imagine the customer support on the PSP, as this matrix device...

'losing senses in 4-5 parts of your body is normal, and is not a malfunction...'

LOL, we wouldn't even be able to call customer support cause we would be turned into vegetables by that technology if it malfunctioned.
Joined 1 Sep 2004
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 20:15

neocarrillo wrote:
None taken my friend. I be seeing your post's alot are you a xbox guy, ps2 guy or nintendo guy. Maybe your all of them. Im a ps2 guy and an occasional nintendo guy, well nintendo I like for zelda and metroid.

I'm a ps2 guy, but im pretty open-minded
Joined 1 Sep 2004
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 20:15

neocarrillo wrote:
None taken my friend. I be seeing your post's alot are you a xbox guy, ps2 guy or nintendo guy. Maybe your all of them. Im a ps2 guy and an occasional nintendo guy, well nintendo I like for zelda and metroid.

I'm a ps2 guy, but im pretty open-minded
Joined 1 Sep 2004
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 20:31
sorry for double-posting i meant to click preview but instead i clicked post :(
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 20:31
Mac wrote:

neocarrillo wrote:
None taken my friend. I be seeing your post's alot are you a xbox guy, ps2 guy or nintendo guy. Maybe your all of them. Im a ps2 guy and an occasional nintendo guy, well nintendo I like for zelda and metroid.

I'm a ps2 guy, but im pretty open-minded

That's cool there aren't many ps2 guy's on sponge. Do you have god of war that game kick's ass.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 09:42
neocarrillo wrote:
That's cool there aren't many ps2 guy's on sponge. Do you have god of war that game kick's ass.

I'm sure that Lupos would not agree with that.

Take note Lupos, in the eyes of a true fundamentalist, anything but complete devotion is seen as heresy.

Plus, it's NOT Sponge! You read it, not wash with it!
Joined 14 May 2002
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 09:59
warbaby wrote:
how can sony patent something that isnt technologicaly possible to date...'

Not necessarily true - it sounds to me that they'll be developing Holophonic Sound Technology - in laymans terms this is the aural equivalent of the holographic image - which has been under research since the 1980s. Combining Binaural Recording processes with an inaudible, digitally superimposed reference signal, holophonic sound is said to deliver shockingly realistic 3D spatial audio, as well as stimulate other senses - some subjects have claimed to have smelt sulphur upon hearing the sound of a match being struck.

Also, "Smell-O-Vision", or whatever you want to call it, has been under development for a number of years, in Norway I think. Finding this out really pissed me off as well because I swear me and my flat-mates invented this idea while at university - even got one of those Inventor's Kits too... Bastards!
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 11:53
i wasnt aware of all that, but what if sony decides to change their idea a bit, and feed electrical signals through your toes, and give yu head phones for your eyes.

i mean if its been in development since the 80's, nothing is juss made perfect, they change to improve. can you patent something that broad?

like patent 1245365 - Sony: all matrix like devices that create a virtual reality and turn you into a vegetable.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 15:12
DoctorDee wrote:
neocarrillo wrote:
That's cool there aren't many ps2 guy's on sponge. Do you have god of war that game kick's ass.

I'm sure that Lupos would not agree with that.

Take note Lupos, in the eyes of a true fundamentalist, anything but complete devotion is seen as heresy.

Plus, it's NOT Sponge! You read it, not wash with it!

My fault it's Spong.
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