Hysteria Subsides as PSP SPS (Sales Prove Strong)

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Topic started: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 16:35
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Joined 1 Sep 2004
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 16:35
the sales figures aren't bad, but sony have got a lot of catching up to do, especially since (i think) the psp was due for release in the uk by now
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 17:23
Sales in the u.s have been good but they haven't sold out completely like the DS did.

In a way this isn't surprising as many non-gamers and mainstreamers will look at PSP and think it looks good but not that different from their PS2 at home. On top of that how many poeple play hand held games as opposed to home gaming?

Things will hopefully pick up for both PSP and DS post E3 and during the big u.s summer holiday season.

If another million DS are sold Sony are in real trouble. Will they make up that kind of ground when PSP also has to compete with the still popular PS2?
Joined 4 Apr 2005
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 17:25
all I know is I got one at launch. I had it paid off for about a month. I was the first one in line, and the first one out. When I turned it on I fell in love! Since I got my Sony Psp I have'nt even touched my Dual Screen....*stops to think* uhm, where did I leave that thing? Anyways I've felt like I've been at a constant "show and tell" with the sexy lil' hand held. Every one does thier "ooohs, and aaaaahs" Its awesome! Everyone should have one. Watching Spiderman 2 on it kicks ass. It becomes a personal experience when you have the head phones on and your playing a game. It has the ability to just suck you in.... So my question is? Square Enix where is and Rpg for this lil' thing?
Joined 14 Jul 2004
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 17:50
Damien Knight wrote:
So my question is? Square Enix where is and Rpg for this lil' thing?

Too busy making DS games I'd imagine.
Joined 6 Apr 2005
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 18:09
which Seattle rag was it that dissed PSP? Post Intelligencer?
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 19:06
Joji wrote:
Sales in the u.s have been good but they haven't sold out completely like the DS did.

In a way this isn't surprising as many non-gamers and mainstreamers will look at PSP and think it looks good but not that different from their PS2 at home. On top of that how many poeple play hand held games as opposed to home gaming?

Things will hopefully pick up for both PSP and DS post E3 and during the big u.s summer holiday season.

If another million DS are sold Sony are in real trouble. Will they make up that kind of ground when PSP also has to compete with the still popular PS2?

Psp will beat ds silly, look at the sales in a week they sold 600,000-700,000 units in it's first week. You said "Sales in the u.s have been good but they haven't sold out completely like the DS did" but ds only had 500,000 units not 1 million like psp.
psp has already reached 3 and a half million in sales, mind you they came out late in the us and japan and still are close to ds.
I believe ds has sold about 4-5 million. I live in the us and both casual and non casual gamers can't stop talking about the psp and how they are going to trade in their ds for one.
As for the square enix comment posted by Damien Knight, don't worry ds may be getting final fantasy 3 and crystal chronicles but psp is getting the movie final fantasy 7 advent children and the game sequel crisis core - final fantasy 7.
Joined 19 Mar 2004
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 21:06
Think about this guys. The DS has sold 6 million worldwide as of last check.

The PSP has sold, assuming this is true and giving Sony the benifit of the doubt, 1.5 to 2 million.

So worldwide, Sony is down to the DS 3:1 at best. And it's not like all the stores need more PSP's on their shelves.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 22:38
It's quite interesting. Sony have dominated the market since 1995, and seem to do no wrong. And with the PSP they have produced one of the most elegant, beautiful electronic consumer goods I've had the pleasure to own. Yet it means nothing in the PSP/ DS "war" if people don't have a need for it. I have no idea why current or prospective gamers wouldn't ;), but is the handheld market really saturated with just Ninty fans? I just can't see it, not with the PS brand being so strong, and Sony now having their own vast army of fans.

When manufacturing speeds are up, and both DS and PSP are available in all territories, we'll see the true picture.
Joined 23 Mar 2005
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 22:41
It'd be interesting to find out exactly what proportion of the sales figures has been imported into other countries that have been, so far, forsaken by Sony.

I'd reckon a fair percentage from both Jap and USA launches were imported straight out of there again. I know at least 6 people who did it in my social circle alone. I'm happy to wait and see personally.
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 00:05
the DS will be seeing allot more final fantasy than the PSP, they have already stated they plan on releasing 7-10 FF titles on the DS, with 2 or 3 for the PSP.

its clear where they stand. and what was that yu said b4? PSP gets a movie... so does my pocket pc... for 'free'.

i like the PSP and the DS alike, but the DS offers my something new. the PSP gives me my pocket pc with a playstation controller shimmed into it.

we will see, the games are whats going to win me over, and right now, there is a weak handheld library, PSP games feel rushed, DS games are too few in numbers.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 01:08
warbaby wrote:
the DS will be seeing allot more final fantasy than the PSP, they have already stated they plan on releasing 7-10 FF titles on the DS, with 2 or 3 for the PSP.

its clear where they stand. and what was that yu said b4? PSP gets a movie... so does my pocket pc... for 'free'.

i like the PSP and the DS alike, but the DS offers my something new. the PSP gives me my pocket pc with a playstation controller shimmed into it.

we will see, the games are whats going to win me over, and right now, there is a weak handheld library, PSP games feel rushed, DS games are too few in numbers.

What 7-10 final fanatsy titles? I know of final fantasy 3 and crystal chronicles but that's it.
About your pocket pc I bet it don't produce the same visuals as psp, 65,000 colors for your pocket pc and 16.77 million colors on psp. Plus wide screen format.
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 02:15
look up on gaming rumors, spong is a great site to start... Final Fantasy will be more prominent on the DS, not that i care, i have both the DS and PSP. and my PPC?... my new Dell has a res of sumthin like 640x???, comparable to an older computer monitor. nice and smooth like a babies rear. it also incudes a seperate 'video card' to produce 3d images. 2 mb vid card. 624 mhz cpu... not too shabby, considering its meant for organization.

i have nothing aginst the PSP, only sony, and the crappiness they bestoyed upon the manufacturing...

Joined 31 Mar 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 07:00
warbaby wrote:
look up on gaming rumors, spong is a great site to start... Final Fantasy will be more prominent on the DS, not that i care, i have both the DS and PSP. and my PPC?... my new Dell has a res of sumthin like 640x???, comparable to an older computer monitor. nice and smooth like a babies rear. it also incudes a seperate 'video card' to produce 3d images. 2 mb vid card. 624 mhz cpu... not too shabby, considering its meant for organization.

i have nothing aginst the PSP, only sony, and the crappiness they bestoyed upon the manufacturing...

What crappiness do they bestoy on manufacturing if you mean the dead pixels well all lcd's have them including tv's and the ds had them. Also about final fantasy on ds, like you said their just rumors.
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 12:13
rumors, yes. but rumors rite from the mouth of the horse. i dont remember exactly what they said.

and to manufacturing crappiness? dust under the screen, sticky triggers, the square button issue (but thats with developing). there are people who have gotten hair. hair! i mean yes, dust under the cover... but hair? dirty factory to say the least. you'd think they'd keep the air a bit more sterile than that.

and to the dead pixels, dead pixels are an occurance, but you cant say that '4-5 are okay'. thats total B/S... samsungs monitors have a guarantee, one dead pixel, yu get a new free monitor. sony will say, oh no its okay... when yu compare the screen size, thats not even rite. and sony has included 2 screen models in the PSP, one by sharp, one by samsung. im not shure which is which, but one of them creates that ghosting effect, which is very apparent, also has faded colours, and a not so vivid picture. while the other screen is the exact opposite, vivid colors, yadda, yadda, yadda.

bottom line is, sony is not in it for the glory of handheld gaming, their in it to rip profits away from ninty and make a whack load of money while doing it. if sony truly was user friendly, they may want to start by making their support a bit more reasonable...

PSP > Sony
Ninty > Sony

Joined 14 Jul 2004
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 18:53
kid_77 wrote:
but is the handheld market really saturated with just Ninty fans?

You could say the same thing about the home console market being saturated with Sony fans. ;P Seeings as there are people who purchase about 6 PS2s (not all at once, lol).

And neocarrillo, how about speaking objectively rather than sounding like a Sony fanboy? ;D It's all well and good saying "wurgh, PSP kick DS arse", but you could just as well say the same thing the other way around - if you were a Nintendo fanboy. :P

The truth is, nobody knows what's going to happen. Nintendo has the edge of experience, and the consumer pull - people associate Nintendo with quality in the handheld place (despite the majority of "cool", "hip", and "edgy" teens picking the PSP). However, Nintendo as a first party are not as yet promoting the unique abilities of the handheld, which could squander it. Then you have the shortage of games problem. The games Nintendo are showing seem very original, but the actual gamer appeal of "non-games" like Electroplankton and Puppy Times remains to be seen (I would buy them though =P).

The PSP is more desirable, it has the added bonus of being a portable media machine, and the graphics are top notch compared. But on the flip side, nobody's buying the games, instead just buying one because of the "it plays MP3s" novelty, which soon wears off on a convergence machine (how many of you play DVDs on your PS2 still instead of a proper DVD player? Honestly now). Games are more important than hardware to some degree, so people are buying PSPs like nobody's business right now - but once everyone that wants one has one, then what? Nothing. It's what killed SEGA's Game Gear in the long run, aside from the crappy battery :P

So yeah, objectivity is the key, lest you want to sound like a fanboy prat. ;)
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