New Nintendo DS Colours Revealed at Long Last!

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Topic started: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 13:27
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Joined 17 Nov 2003
Wed, 2 Mar 2005 13:27
I really like the look of the White DS, it can go nicely alongside the white i-pods.....

Sometimes colour can make something go along way, as we all have different tastes, i can see Ninty are trying to strenghthen thier resolve to oust SONY in this regard.

As to when any new design on the DS will bolster thier resolve is yet to be seen.

Keep it up Ninty.
Arse McAdams
Joined 4 Mar 2004
Wed, 2 Mar 2005 15:03
Yeh, I want a white one!

Anybody want to buy an original model?
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Wed, 2 Mar 2005 15:28
Nice to see some ddifferent colours so early. I'd like a nice white one to go alongside my original GB. The Pepsi/Electric blue one looks cool and it's good that we'll see that as an option on our shelves too.

The interesting one is the Jigglypuff/Kirby pink one. This looks like Nintendo clearly aiming for a female audience. If more females get into playing games because of the DS then it's gonna be a killer ap for Nintendo against Sony. In a similar respect to the manga industry in the u.s attracting more females (and sales are high because of product aimed at them) this can only be a good thing for gaming as a whole. Add the likes of games like Sprung and Puppy Times and watching how females respond should be very interesting. There is at last a high chance of the DS breaking the male gamer dominated industry, lets hope it works.
Arse McAdams
Joined 4 Mar 2004
Wed, 2 Mar 2005 16:27
Joji wrote:
... attracting more females (and sales are high because of product aimed at them) this can only be a good thing for gaming as a whole.

Well my girlfriend loves playing with mine.

And she likes the occasional bash on my DS as well...
Joined 28 Feb 2005
Wed, 2 Mar 2005 20:18
My mum's currently the one most playing my DS right now. She's pretty much hooked on the Mario 64DS minigames. I only use it for playing LoZ Minish Cap =P

As much as I love both the black and white versions, the pink one is definitely the best marketing move ever. If Nintendo make the DS the girl's choice, the whole videogame industry will change. Game designers will have to take women into consideration, and I'm sure girls will lose their shyness towards games. Which is always a good thing.
Joined 24 May 2004
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 04:29
They have made a pink GBA and a pink GBA SP. Pink is not something new.

They really need an all black one or a themed one. I would rather have a Mario or a Metroid themed DS than these mini Ipod ripoffs. I know they made GBA skins, I'm hoping they have some nice DS skins so I can cover up my barf platinum/silver one.

The white one will depend on the plastic housing. If it is indeed the same quality as the Ipod it will look cool, but it is just going to get dirty with sweat stains and hand grime
Zeo [banned]
Joined 28 Nov 2004
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 09:55
“Nintendo DS Online Network Announcement in 10 Days

SPOnG can confirm that Nintendo will be announcing a full-scale online network for their Nintendo DS game system in 10 days. While exact details are scarce, SPOnG has learned that the network, dubbed No-Line, will be similar to the type of service Microsoft utilizes for their Xbox Live network. Our source, who wishes to remain anonymous, has confirmed this after drinking heavily and posting vague comments on a video game message board.

When the announcement comes, remember where you read it first.”

So, why did you guys take that down?

Was it yet another complete bullcrap news story by you guys or did you get in trouble for posting it because it was true. I think we deserve to know since people are talking about it.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 12:34
They have made a pink GBA and a pink GBA SP. Pink is not something new.

You just contradicted yourself sir, when you mentioned the above then iPod. Where do you think iPod got the various colours idea from? Nintendo ofcourse, who have succeeded with the formula for years before iPod.

In Nintendo's favour it will help them since girls like to colour co-ordinate their stuff. Females also want more intuitive gaming experiences which the DS should also provide them. You have to wonder if Nintendo are targetting the female market with intent to corner a valuable stake in the market that no one has succeeded in laying claim to yet. If so, Sony really have some question to ask themselves especially if they can compete for such a female market with PSP. The way things are going I doubt it since many games on Nintendo hand helds rely less on PS2 style violent games etc.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 12:59
Zeo wrote:
“Nintendo DS Online Network Announcement in 10 Days [snip]"

So, why did you guys take that down?

Was it yet another complete bullcrap news story by you guys or did you get in trouble for posting it because it was true. I think we deserve to know since people are talking about it.

For God's sake. What is it with this "SPOnG posts nothing but bullshit" line? If there's one source of bullshit, it's the individuals, like you, who perpetuate this nonsense in a dumb, sheep-like fashion.

The "story" you refer to is a hoax posted to some forum a few weeks ago. It never appeared on SPOnG (go check out Google's news and cache).

I don't know where you got it from, but I see there's no link to the location of the original story (available or not).

Zeo [banned]
Joined 28 Nov 2004
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 14:12
config wrote:
Zeo wrote:
“Nintendo DS Online Network Announcement in 10 Days [snip]"

So, why did you guys take that down?

Was it yet another complete bullcrap news story by you guys or did you get in trouble for posting it because it was true. I think we deserve to know since people are talking about it.

For God's sake. What is it with this "SPOnG posts nothing but bullshit" line? If there's one source of bullshit, it's the individuals, like you, who perpetuate this nonsense in a dumb, sheep-like fashion.

The "story" you refer to is a hoax posted to some forum a few weeks ago. It never appeared on SPOnG (go check out Google's news and cache).

I don't know where you got it from, but I see there's no link to the location of the original story (available or not).

Oh, it wasn't on the site eh? lol..

And I suppose the bullshit story about Nintendo turning DS into a PDA machine and a GC-powerful GB will launch by the end of the year isn't posted either?

You want to know why people think this site is full of crap? Because it puts up stories acting as if things are fact when it is either rumor or completely made up based on a bunch of little smaller rumors.

Stuff like:

The new model of the Game Boy Advance will be shown at Nintendo’s E3 press conference this year in what will be one of the most remarkable moments in recent videogame history.

The unit will be a true gaming machine and will come equipped with a large high-quality back-lit screen and analogue controls, very much, one might argue, like Sony’s PSP.

Nintendo staffers have confirmed to that preliminary hardware will be shown both at the firm’s conference and encased alongside the Nintendo Revolution on the showfloor.

No, you see, that is a LIE. NO ONE from Nintendo has confirmed ANYTHING to Spong. They refuse to comment to IGN or GameSpot but Spong? Of course they will. The site LIES. Fact. End of story.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 14:23
Don't be a fool.

Has this year's E3 been and gone?


Busts that one.


BTW; Phoning up a company's PR dept or duty desk isn't exactly the best way to gather information, unless you're a writer or editor that likes to re-write press releases.
Zeo [banned]
Joined 28 Nov 2004
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 14:25
config wrote:
Don't be a fool.

Has this year's E3 been and gone?


Busts that one.


No, you see, I am not the fool here. Anyone who believes this site is.

There is no opinion or question about it. Nintendo DID NOT IN ANY WAY confirm ANYTHING to Spong about when the next Game Boy will be shown. It is a LIE. Accept it.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 15:11
Zeo wrote:
No, you see, I am not the fool here. Anyone who believes this site is

There is no opinion or question about it. Nintendo DID NOT IN ANY WAY confirm ANYTHING to Spong about when the next Game Boy will be shown. It is a LIE. Accept it.

So you don't trust ANY exclusives, from any source, no matter what? Because if all journalists waited until an official confirmation was made, the entire media would be identical.

If you don't want to believe SPOnG, fine. You decide what you believe to be credible, because everyone has his or her own criteria for trust.

Until any news is officially announced I will personally still class the story as "rumour", but my interest in any given particular story will be determined by 'source reliability' and 'impact of news'.

In this case the criteria scores highly in both, but no doubt you disagree.

Oh, and *ahem* Fack off.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 15:23
Zeo wrote:
There is no opinion or question about it. Nintendo DID NOT IN ANY WAY confirm ANYTHING to Spong about when the next Game Boy will be shown. It is a LIE. Accept it.

And you, of course, know this as a fact.

Care to share how you this, or is it <shhh!> a secret?

Joined 24 Jan 2004
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 16:52
Zeo wrote:
I am not the fool here.

Well you certainly sound like one.
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