Nintendo opens up another 32 Halo 2-poking promotional websites!

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Topic started: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:24
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Joined 27 Jan 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:24
What the bloody hell...
Joined 27 Jan 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:29
Hey, they forgot, and somebody is already using
Joined 14 Jul 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:47
Haha, very good. :D
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:49
Funky wrote:
What the bloody hell...

indeed... does nintendo really think they are winning new fans with this? i love nintendo but this is like when i when your young and one of your parents tries to talk cool in front of your friends and your just like "oh dear lord please stop". I'm sure prime2 will be a damn good game, but taking pot shots at halo2 just seems like a bad idea.

halo2: reggiefied? ugh
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 12:24
It does seem a little OTT. We'd buy Metroid 2 anyway and they shouldn't feel that they have to knock Halo 2 which is most likely good too.

It's a typical kind of marketing though.
Joined 14 Jul 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 12:28
Its all tongue in cheek, how anyone would get annoyed at that is beyond me. It will hardly sell less copies of Halo2.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 12:41
Kaxxx wrote:
Its all tongue in cheek, how anyone would get annoyed at that is beyond me. It will hardly sell less copies of Halo2.

its not anoying, its embarassing (see above post by me). i love nintendo but nintendo is not now nor has it been for a very long time "cool". they should be happy to make really good quality games like they always have and people will continue to buy them. this isn't goign to make anyone not buy halo2 but it might make me a little more ashamed of buying metroid2... like having to give your mom a kiss in public(when i was like 12 that is), of course you love her, but thats not cool! (this nintendo as my mom thing is suprisingly suiting... HEY, stop playing with my MOM!)
Joined 28 May 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 14:20
Any of you guys given the thought that maybe this wasn't done by Nintendo and it was just some random idiot who decided he was going to have some fun? I mean come on! I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to mock something MS is doing or has done but the whole "All your bees are belong to us" is what kind of tips me off that it isn't a Nintendo sponsored advertisement. No where on any of those sites does it say they are Nintendo made.
Joined 18 Oct 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 14:29
I totally agree with you. This seems to be the work of fanboys rather than Nintendo itself. I can NOT believe N is behind this.

N will be the first company to stress the fact that Metroid isn't a rival for Halo nor the other way around, since Metroid is an adventure game and Halo a FPS. Hence they would never 'attack' Halo directly like this, or at least not with Metroid. If this were adds for Geist, maybe.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 14:40
Matthew Silver wrote:
Any of you guys given the thought that maybe this wasn't done by Nintendo and it was just some random idiot who decided he was going to have some fun?

Yeah. That was the first thing that I thought.

Which was why I did a whois check on the domains, and found that they were all registered (and hosted) by famous new media agency, 2Advanced.

Now, from what I know of those guys, they've got too much on their hands to worry about registering a load of domains as a joke unless someone (And who else but Nintendo) is paying them a heap of cash...

And it's not really "attacking" Halo is it. It's just poking fun at their marketing...
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 14:55
DoctorDee wrote:
Yeah. That was the first thing that I thought.

Which was why I did a whois check on the domains, and found that they were all registered (and hosted) by famous new media agency, 2Advanced.

not to mention the fact that even at a cut rate domain register (no hosting included) the cheapest you would get a domain for is maybe as low as $10 for a year (more than likely closer to $20) and to register 32 domains at 10 bucks a piece is a pretty expensive endevor for some "fanboy"

this is obvious reggification
Mecha Ghandi
Joined 10 Feb 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 15:13
Matthew Silver wrote:
but the whole "All your bees are belong to us" is what kind of tips me off that it isn't a Nintendo sponsored advertisement.

That may look like it's just badly written, but it's actually quite a popular 'in' joke derived from the rather amusingly mistranslated 'Zero Wing' on the Megadrive... and the "All your base are belong to us" catchphrase it popularised.

Joined 26 Feb 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 18:58
Mecha Ghandi wrote:
Matthew Silver wrote:
but the whole "All your bees are belong to us" is what kind of tips me off that it isn't a Nintendo sponsored advertisement.

That may look like it's just badly written, but it's actually quite a popular 'in' joke derived from the rather amusingly mistranslated 'Zero Wing' on the Megadrive... and the "All your base are belong to us" catchphrase it popularised.

I don't think that Nintendo would use a Sega catchphrase to advertise their products?
Joined 3 Feb 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 19:17
My opinion. it was a waste of money by Ninty. It was not needed and is'nt very funny. Reggie has said they'd be doing more aggressive marketing in many of his recent interviews. So yeah it's Nintendo behind it for sure. What I don't get is why attack a marketing campaign (Halo 2) that has been very successful ? Why not do something equally extreme ? Oh well....I can tell u just like before all my GCN games will be bought at $20 anyway..I still dont see the greatnest that is the first Metroid Prime...
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 19:27
almondVanHelsing wrote:
I don't think that Nintendo would use a Sega catchphrase to advertise their products?

its not a sega catch phrase its a catch phrase from a wildly popular web animation that made fun of a poorly translated video game, and i didn't know until you said it just now that it was a sega game, as im sure most peopel didn't know. its a somewhat week attempt at trying to use "hip" terminology to seem cool... that damn flash animation is like 4-5 years old by now.

also its not a sega game it was a game that hapend to be released on a sega system but was originally an arcade game by Toaplan.
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