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Topic started: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 21:03
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Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 14 Oct 2004 21:03
i, persoanly, don't enjoy overly realistic games. if there is somethign less fun than trying to run a tricked out civic around a hair pin turn at a whoping 95 mph and then bashing into a wall i dont know about it.
being as i think sony has gotten way to cocky after the PS1 and the ps2 has been a bit of a crap fest in general the prospect of M$ trumping them real bad on this gives me a bit fo a rise.

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 08:08
LUPOS wrote:
being as i think sony has gotten way to cocky after the PS1 and the ps2 has been a bit of a crap fest in general the prospect of M$ trumping them real bad on this gives me a bit fo a rise.

And, like, Microsoft aren't in the slightest bit cocky? I am completely at a loss at your logic. Rooting for Nintendo would make much more sense

Joined 9 Oct 2004
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 12:29
Looking at how cocky the develop team for the Gran turismo series has gotten I would like to see Forza do a little stomping.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 13:21
i hate this board... i wrote out 3 paragraphs of reply and then it showed as a double post.. so i deleted one.. and now they are both gone... so to summerize...

xbox = quality
ps2 = crappy over priced over hyped crap
metal gear < splinter cell
FF's < KOTOR and probably jade empire (and i liek fable but i know thats a mixed bag)
gta <<<<<<< HALO
and for the sony fans... the better xbox does the more scared sony becomes and the better the next sytem will be... the reason the ps2 sux so bad is cause they trounced the last genration so hard they knew people would buy any old crap on name alone... and sadly they where right. you want a good ps3... buy an xbox : ) it all makes sense
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 13:42
LUPOS wrote:
listen i know M$ is a horribel eveil money grubbing super corporation.. but they made the better system.. befroe the ps2 and xbox came out sony said "hey, lets make more of the same crap... a cheaply built system

HA! Xbox is a bunch of PC components shoe-horned into an oversized formfactor. Things don't get much cheaper than that!

with sequals to all the average games we had before and rely on brand recognition to keep us rich", and stupid people bought into it.

You know, I never realised that Sony was solely responsible for the creation of games for the PS2 - that really is one fantastic company.

i love nintendo and i probbaly love sega even more but if we are talkign about who build the best consols it is aprent to mean the M$ is at least willing to put its money where its mouth is.

Of course Xbox is better. Xbox came after PS2 so had something to beat. If were a match or worse, Microsoft would have been the laughing stock of the industry. It's very easy to make something better when you have a yardstick with which to measure your offering.

and maybe i just liek the idea of an american company doign so well in video games : )

You have the US government to thank for the strength of today's Japanese corporations.

KOTOR> FF (imo)
Splinter Cell > Metal Gear
Halo >>>>>>>>> GTA

Man, you have completely lost the plot. How on earth can you compare Halo and GTA. They're completely different beasts. IMO, GTA is a much better game, even if it is written by a bunch of Jocks ;) You can play it any which way you like. It's rammed with a massive number of mini-games, all of which are well realised and in some cases better than stand-alone games of the same genre. It also has a bazillion years more replay value than Halo.

Joined 30 Sep 2004
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 18:15
this is why i didn't want to try and edit down my orignal lengthy post but i was anoyed at havign to type it out twice already... anway here we go...

config wrote:
LUPOS wrote:
listen i know M$ is a horribel eveil money grubbing super corporation.. but they made the better system.. befroe the ps2 and xbox came out sony said "hey, lets make more of the same crap... a cheaply built system

HA! Xbox is a bunch of PC components shoe-horned into an oversized formfactor. Things don't get much cheaper than that!

xbox is a bunch of at the time expensive components well arranegd (considerign the average pc is twice the size of an xbox) in a fairly acebtaple, although domed on the top for no good reason, form factor.

with sequals to all the average games we had before and rely on brand recognition to keep us rich", and stupid people bought into it.

You know, I never realised that Sony was solely responsible for the creation of games for the PS2 - that really is one fantastic company.

they arent but they do pay big big bucks to keep those particualr franchise consol specific... sony does not make the best title fors its own system and overal niether does M$ although M$ does have halo which is arguably the best game on the sytem, fable, mecha assault, PGR 1&2, top spin, fever and crimson skies. (not that they have made a fair amount of crap too but they have but out some goo stuff) oh, and to be fair i love ico one of the best games ever in my opinion (for the 8 hours it lasted) and that was made by sony... so yeah they do get resposibilty for the games on the sytem. did the jaguar fail because capcom wouldn't make street fighter for it... or cause atari couldn't convice them to... credit where credit is due.

i love nintendo and i probbaly love sega even more but if we are talkign about who build the best consols it is aprent to mean the M$ is at least willing to put its money where its mouth is.

Of course Xbox is better. Xbox came after PS2 so had something to beat. If were a match or worse, Microsoft would have been the laughing stock of the industry. It's very easy to make something better when you have a yardstick with which to measure your offering.

you are right... the xbox coudl have easily been a bit better and met the same price point but rater than release a sytem slightly better than the ps2 they relaesed a much stronger sytem that they actually took aroudn a $100 dollar loss on when it orignaly came out.. they included a hard drive and built in network suport... inovations... the network support thing actully shoudl get creddited to sega however who included it in the dream cast which was out a year before the ps2 came out in japan and there for 2 years before it hit in the states. and sony even left a freakin hard drive sized slot in the back knowing full well it was a good idea but not wantign to risk any money on somethign new and different... SAME OLD SYSTEM! (but if the internet thign catche son we may hope on the band wagon... "stay safe, stay safe, stay safe")

and maybe i just liek the idea of an american company doign so well in video games : )

You have the US government to thank for the strength of today's Japanese corporations.

i dont know what the strength of us corporations has to do with american style gaming finaly becoming more popular than japanes... competition is a good thing... makes thing better.. like the xbox... im sure whatever the revolution is its goign be pretty freakin different and inovative (least i hoope so)... an maybe that will be the death of nintendo as a console manufacturer... but no one will ever say nintendo didnt try new things... sept for that whole interent thing but i digress.
sony simple studied what had been done before and try to do the same thing but bigger. and it worked once.. but id ont believe the same strategy will work a second time.

KOTOR> FF (imo)
Splinter Cell > Metal Gear
Halo >>>>>>>>> GTA

Man, you have completely lost the plot. How on earth can you compare Halo and GTA. They're completely different beasts. IMO, GTA is a much better game, even if it is written by a bunch of Jocks ;) You can play it any which way you like. It's rammed with a massive number of mini-games, all of which are well realised and in some cases better than stand-alone games of the same genre. It also has a bazillion years more replay value than Halo.

yes they are different but ps2 doesnt really have an FPS that compaires to halo and xbox while it get gta a year after the fact doesnt realy have anythign like gta.. i compared them cause they are the biggest games for their respective systems. and the story and cinematic quality of halo if way better than gta and as far as replay value i know people.. myself included who to this day play the multiplayer part of halo... i dont however know anyoen who still plays gta vice city let alon GTAIII.

oh and on a slightly related note your comment about gta being made by a bunch of jocks is amazingly aprapo... i always liek video games for being able to do things i would never be able to do like fight a dragon or go to space or even travel through pipes to world ruled by dinosaurs and fight them with mushrooms... making a game with crappy controls $hitty physics decent graphics and a good sound track where all you do is drive over pedestrians and avoid the cops or hope out of your car and try in vain to shoot your perues is nto groud breaking its obvious and old... in fact.. its alot like gta1&2 which not many peopel played... cause it was fun but not real enough to last.. and of course back then games where still less main stream then they are now. when i saw the ea charters dancing to out cast usic on mtv i new we had reached the begging of the end. and we all have a little game called gta for doing such a good job drawing in all the @$$ holes, used to be i coudl play a game online with other nerds and have a good time... now i got 16 year old morons on xbox live talking about how drunk they got at the party last night and degradign women and calling everyone else gay... all hail R* destoyers of art and proveiors of mindless crap!

now please excues me while i go kill a hooker and steal her money...

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 07:52
huge pointless quoting removed

yes they are different but ps2 doesnt really have an FPS that compaires to halo and xbox while it get gta a year after the fact doesnt realy have anythign like gta.. i compared them cause they are the biggest games for their respective systems..

Still doesn't make it a valid comparison.

and the story and cinematic quality of halo if way better than gta and as far as replay value i know people.. myself included who to this day play the multiplayer part of halo...

GTA wasn't ever meant revolve around an intricately crafted narrative. The narrative in GTA is purely a mechanism for setting up missions - it's not there to elicit some sort of emotional response. Another example that comparing the two is pointless.

i dont however know anyoen who still plays gta vice city let alon GTAIII.

Well, you do now.

making a game with crappy controls $hitty physics decent graphics and a good sound track where all you do is drive over pedestrians and avoid the cops or hope out of your car and try in vain to shoot your perues is nto groud breaking its obvious and old...

Blah blah blah. Spoken like a true fan boy who, it would seem, has never really played the game.

in fact.. its alot like gta1&2 which not many peopel played...

You know, you're right!. So few people played GTA1 that Rockstar took the decision to release a mission pack (GTA London) and GTA2. They even bet their houses on moving the series to 3D

cause it was fun but not real enough to last.. and of course back then games where still less main stream then they are now.

Yeah, games were truly niche in 1997. Right.

when i saw the ea charters dancing to out cast usic on mtv i new we had reached the begging of the end. and we all have a little game called gta for doing such a good job drawing in all the @$$ holes, used to be i coudl play a game online with other nerds and have a good time... now i got 16 year old morons on xbox live talking about how drunk they got at the party last night and degradign women and calling everyone else gay... all hail R* destoyers of art and proveiors of mindless crap!

OMG!!! Rockstar are wholy responsible to erosion of morality and the degradation of our society.

Funny, when I was a kid, long before Rockstar, Take2 or even DMA exists, we used to get drunk, cuss and consider women to be purely objects of sex. Of course, we didn't have Live over which to converse. We had to gather on street corners in an (unintentionally) intimidating manner. Thank God for Microsoft and their wondrous Xbox Live!

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 07:55
LUPOS wrote:
i hate this board... i wrote out 3 paragraphs of reply and then it showed as a double post.. so i deleted one.. and now they are both gone... so to summerize...

You can't delete your posts on this forum, you can only edit them.

Joined 30 Sep 2004
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 12:57
Still doesn't make it a valid comparison.

as a point of refference for the type of game that dffines the type of peopel that play the thing i think they are both representative.

GTA wasn't ever meant revolve around an intricately crafted narrative. The narrative in GTA is purely a mechanism for setting up missions - it's not there to elicit some sort of emotional response. Another example that comparing the two is pointless.

ok soooo, they didnt really intend for there to be any kind of worth while story, wherent concerned with eliciting any sort of emotioanl repsonse and basically just wanted to string together a bunch of reptive missions thats they tried sooo hard to come up with. "folow the money truck and pick up the money falling out... ok now follow the pron truck and pick up the pron falling out... gripping stuff! the sand box world they have created is sooo awsome... i just ran over the same guy 37 times in two blocks! and three of the same car justd rove past me right ina row.. go ps2 you trully are mind blowing!
and way to dodge my point, no mention of the quality of the controls of the game, you just give them a free pass on that... you want a game where there are a bunch of missions with a silly story thrown in just to kinda move it along... try monkey bal... now there is a game with good controls and mini games that are just as good as some full games... YES I REALIZE THE TWO GAMES ARE DIFFERENT... that doesnt mean gta can just go sucking all over the place cause there arent any other games liek gta.

i dont however know anyoen who still plays gta vice city let alon GTAIII.

Well, you do now.

maybe you shoudl get a job so you can buy somethign new or atleast pick up the strategy guide so you can finally beat it with your mad skillz!

Blah blah blah. Spoken like a true fan boy who, it would seem, has never really played the game.

man i played that game for hours, i won't lie its entertaining to kill peopel and dodge the cops and runa few missions and kill people... and uh... kill people... but not two years after the fact... i never had any drive to beat it cause most of the missiosn where just anoyingly frustrating due to the shabby aiming system and way to loose car physics... usually in an unrealistic driving game they make cars drive better to make it easier.. not the other wy around... try ridge racer for example... you own an xbox? play halo?

somethign about an expansion pack and how they risked it all makign it 3D, sorry i accidentaly deleted this part and im to lazy to copy paste, sue me

it did well... as a pc game... and fairly well on the play station... as for moving ti to 3d... thats not exactly beting the farm when developing for a "next gen system"... i dont knwo if you have notice since you still play vice city so much, but most games these days... are indeed... IN 3D (take a look at mario 64, circa 1996, for refference of how to make a came control well in 3d)

man i gotta stop deleting these things... something about how vdeo games where just sooooo niche in 1997

nobody said niche... nich is like... mau jong games... thats a niche... games where less cool... less aceptable... i was still in high schol in 97 and i knew a decent number of peopel that played video games... my little brother is in middle school right now and he knwos TONS of kids who do... they wouldn't have sold over 65 million ps2's if there wheren't a few more @$$ holes playign now than there where 7 freakin years ago.

OMG!!! Rockstar are wholy responsible to erosion of morality and the degradation of our society.

geez maybe you just can't read, poor guy. i said destroyers of art and proveiors of crap... not dgenerate scum... mario bros3(our world depending on who you ask, maybe even super metroid) is the citizen cane of game design(peak of classic quality gaming)... halo is like star wars(big summer block buster)... and gta is like lets say... white chics (ok sure its kinda funny, interesting idea... "zanny antics"... but lacking in any kind of real substance whatsoever... just a week story intended to string together a bunch of obvious jokes and pop culture refferences.

Funny, when I was a kid, long before Rockstar, Take2 or even DMA exists, we used to get drunk, cuss and consider women to be purely objects of sex. Of course, we didn't have Live over which to converse. We had to gather on street corners in an (unintentionally) intimidating manner. Thank God for Microsoft and their wondrous Xbox Live!

yes yes i know... i play on live and talke to you peopel on hear so im a lifeless looser... no matter what i bother sayign about my self your still going to think im a lifless looser so... you go back out to your street corner and intimidate women with your awsomeness. me and my girl friend and all my other friends will continue to play our 16 player lan games of halo. oh and for refference sake i think running over video game hooekrs is funny and am drunk more night of the week than i care to admit but even blastered i can tell the difference between good game design and control and a weak target lock that targets the gy 50 feet away from me cause he was closer to my reticule than the guy 2 feet to the side of e shooting me.

im not blaming video game for societies ills dip stick, but way to take the automatic deffensive... i'm blaming rockstar( in part) for the reduction in quality necesary to sell a video game... we where finaly gettign to a point where weak developers who continualy put out crap where struggling... even recently acclaim finaly started to realy go down the crapper... as well they should. but then rock star comes along and makes the "game" where you can do all these cool thing (i.e. screw hooker, kill hooker, take money back from hoker) and millions of more peopl by ps2 than any other system ever (unless we count every gameboyX ever sold) and now there are so many peopel willing to buy any extreme sprts nonsence they can get there hands on (dont get me wrong tony hawk and ssx are fantastic, although gettign a bit long int th tooth in my opinion) and any silly ultra violent crap no matter how badly it plays. you want more examples... why dont you look at EVERY OTHER game rockstar has put out (published) since GTA hit... you want a niche... how bout poorly made badly controlling overly violent(do keep your attention of how bad the game sux) "Edgy in my face gaming". that is a niche.

oh yeah... uh forza forza forza... just to keep on topic
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 13:02
config wrote:
LUPOS wrote:
i hate this board... i wrote out 3 paragraphs of reply and then it showed as a double post.. so i deleted one.. and now they are both gone... so to summerize...

You can't delete your posts on this forum, you can only edit them.

god you must jsut bitch about everything... after i single posted and the page refreshed... it showed two sepreat posts for some reason... chalk it up to I.E. sucking if you like... so i het the edit buttona nd delted it down to somthing like "oops, double post, my bad"

then when i entered that it was the only post and the other post was gone... so my whole huge long orignal post was deleted... there now maybe you can sleep at night

Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 11:33
ohhhhh it's FUNNY!!!

see, even the guys at ign can understand my big ideas... maybe they troll these boards looking for ideas :P

Joined 26 Jan 2004
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 12:02
LUPOS wrote:
ohhhhh it's FUNNY!!!

see, even the guys at ign can understand my big ideas... maybe they troll these boards looking for ideas :P

except that ign is pitting the titles against each other on sales and not one being a better game than the other

so they dont understand your ideas and arent interested in your posts

as for the ign story its rubbish

"If I was a betting man, I'd bet that GTA: SA will, by year's end, out-sell Halo 2"

thats brave

then they extend that with "both games will break sales records for their respective systems this fall"

wow theyre really treading on risky ground here!!!

it caps it with "And in the end, I suspect Halo 2 will actually push more hardware sales than GTA: SA does for PS2."

not a difficult prediction when there are many less people with xboxes than ps2s which means theres a much bigger market for selling new xboxes

if this ign writer was a betting man he wouldnt be able to cover the cost of the car ride to the bookies with his winnings ... the horses hes backing are all the favourites

if he was to look at the joint release of gta and the new ps2 he will see a different picture... unless microsoft drop the price of the xbox for the 100th time since release :D

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 13:07
LUPOS wrote:
no mention of the quality of the controls of the game, you just give them a free pass on that...

Nope, I just figured it was user error. The controls are just fine. I haven't read a single review of any of the GTA3+ games that level any criticisms at the controls.

that doesnt mean gta can just go sucking all over the place cause there arent any other games liek gta.

There are plenty of developers how have tried to "out do" GTA since GTA3 was released. Here. Off the top of my head I can think of True Crime, Driv3r and The Getaway. Possibly even Mafia, Roadkill and Simsons Hit & Run. IMO all of them varied between terrible and boring after just a few hours of play. None of them managed to capture the humour, ambience, gameplay and varied, expansive, well-designed environments of GTA.

This is why GTA3 sold by the truck-load, solidly, for about six months. GTA:VC performed similarly. In these cases, selling power completely deflates one person's tirade against the game.

Do you see me incessantly writing "Halo is s**t. Halo 2 is going to be s**t"? No. Because, even if I hated Halo (which I don't), I realise that a game so widely loved and so massively successful means I would be utterly wrong.

i dont however know anyoen who still plays gta vice city let alon GTAIII.

Well, you do now.

maybe you shoudl get a job so you can buy somethign new or atleast pick up the strategy guide so you can finally beat it with your mad skillz!

Strat guides are for lamers and losers. As for a job and playing something new, I have a pretty good one, thanks. I get to play games if I like, often before they're available in store. I also have a life, which means I don't get to play games much outside of the office. If I personally don't get to play a particular game in the office, I can always watch one of the other guys playing its and decide if it's worth my time.

Blah blah blah. Spoken like a true fan boy who, it would seem, has never really played the game.

man i played that game for hours, i won't lie its entertaining to kill peopel and dodge the cops and runa few missions and kill people... and uh... kill people... but not two years after the fact...

Two things here. Firstly, you clearly haven't played the game for very long at all, as the killing people and cop chases are often incidental. They're their if you that kind of thing floats your boat, along with the hooker trick. Free roaming exploration is more my bag, something FPS (with or without convoluted storylines) don't really offer. However, first person shooters do offer repeatedly killing loads of people (or aliens/zombies/demons), or being chased by people (or aliens/zombies/demons).

Secondly, I never once wrote that I've played nothing but GTA:VC (or GTA3) since its release. It's obvious you aren't reading what I write - you're just picking at a few words, getting the red mist and going off on a rant, assuming all sorts of s**t. I apologise if my posts vex you so. Please write PIM on your forehead so people around you are forewarned against your volatile nature.

i never had any drive to beat it cause most of the missiosn where just anoyingly frustrating due to the shabby aiming system and way to loose car physics...

Again, user error.

somethign about an expansion pack and how they risked it all makign it 3D, sorry i accidentaly deleted this part and im to lazy to copy paste, sue me [blah yadda rant gush froth]

S**t. I really cannot be arsed with you. You are truly a blinkered waste of space/time/energy.

Ba-bye. *plonk*

Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 14:28
ok aprently you missed the point of that my fault for being arogant rather than explanitory... i just thought i twas amusign that i was comparing GTA and Halo just yesterday and was told that i was basically retarded for doing so. and then the next day someone writes an article (all be it a ratehr empty and unintresting one) comparing halo and GTA cause they are the top sellers for their respective systems.

pardon the confusion
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 16:04
Nope, I just figured it was user error. The controls are just fine. I haven't read a single review of any of the GTA3+ games that level any criticisms at the controls.

ok so the people who reviewed it liek it as much as you, they must be right.

my best frind owns the game and loves it dearly (both of them) i have spent many hours playing it even though there are other things i woudl rather spend my time on. i have beaten several levels that he could not because i am good at it. its not a user error. i understand why someoen woudl enjoy this game so much but i am not that engrossed by the things that i can do that it keeps me from lookign at the thigns i cant. the strategy guide was ment as a jab at your lack of ability to beat a game that is two years old and doesnt IMO provide reason enough to still be playing it to this day, but again IMO. oh what a beast this thread has become. GTA is not a bad game... far from it... but it isnt that good of a game either.. there is plenty missing from it.. in fact enough missing that they manged to come out with a full (sort of) sequel just a year after the first one hit... and now two years later another with even more of the missing parts put in. it almost to me seems liek planned obsolesence... but thats speculation and conspiracy theory on my part. I will admit that san andreas is looking increasingly impressive consider the size and scop and amount of features added... hell you can even get in water and not die now (i think). but i still think that there could be so much more to it. like a decent fight sytem when on foot(actually i thnk they are doing that in this one casue they are smart enough to know it was sorley lacking in the first two)... why cant i just aim with the right stick? why cant i manage a punch and a kick button(same as above)? maybe if im in a back alley and get in a fight with one guy i coudl have a more detailed hand to hand sytem... oh and going in everybuilding... that would be cool... a bit munch to ask i realize... but A LOT more imersive. there are so many things that could make the game better... but i admit there are plenty of things it has done right, just not enough for me to hail it like this great and wonderous thing that everyone else seems to think it is. and honestly being better than driver and true crimes isnt really much of an acomplishment (i hope everyoen can agree those two games basically bit @$$) sadly the simpsons is probably the best "GTA clone" anyone has made. which is very telling to me... look how easily some developers with a simpson game recreated basically all fo the functionality of GTA and then just made up some different missions. as for the sales the fact that halo2 will sell even half what san andreas does is amazing consider there are only about a 3rd as many total xboxs in the world.

and i would just liek to reiterate, this is not a user error... i never said i coudlnt beet the game im quit good at it but its not worth powerign through... if it had soem kind of engaing story i woudl be willing to suffer through iffy controls to find otu what happens but tomy vercettis less than dramatic rise to the top just didnt do it for ME. and the levels (missions) arent well designed enough to intrigue ME. and as for "Free roaming exploration" finding the magical 100 packages around has to be the most mind numbing and unexciting extra anyone has ever done... its liek a bad platform game all fo a sudden... banjo kazooie you gotta go find a billion feathers to make a golden chicken.. its lame its week and its a sad attempt to add depth.. any other game woudl be reemed for throwing in week "fetch quests" to try and add staying power, but for soem reaosn this game gets a pass. These arent incredibly intresting or orignal quest.. chase the guy on the boat... do a drive by... i was impressed when i had to throw the grenade through the gusy window(a sad excus for a high point but an interesting change from all the non open windows in the game), that was a suprising switch but most of them are very similar cause there realy arent that many differen things to be done. IMO.

any way, being as democratic as possible, everyone who likes gta, hope you enjoy the new one, im glad you get your moneys worth and have somethign you enjoy, i dont, and in my opinion in the grand scheme of things its a turn in the wrong direction for video games as an industry on the whole. no one is going to convince me other wise and i doubt im goign to convince many peopl of my opinions. this is after all, a forum for discussion of ideas.

ps: and just so you know the reaosn for not copying your text exactly again was that i am at work and the firewall here makes some weird $hit go on when relaoding webpages and its way more of a hassle than it should be... and if anyone besides the two of us cared enough they coudl scroll up and find it.

one final thing...
no reviewer complained about the aiming... but plenty of real people did after the fact, im in the minority but im nto alone.

hope everyone has enjoyed reading us two stuborn @$$es argue. i feel ive explained my stance as well as i could without havign to find a publisher :)

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