Final PSP pricing emerges? $199 - $349 packages revealed

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Topic started: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 10:45
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Joined 27 Jan 2004
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 10:45
Sorry Sony, I'm not paying what will be £150 for a portable PS2 with the same games as the PS2 which I'll have to buy double of, then can only play for 3 hours before recharging...
Joined 26 Jan 2004
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 11:04
The mention of the battery as a stand-alone unit will cause speculation that the machine’s power cell is external.

i didnt think that at all. when i read this i just thought that it meant it would be possible to buy additional power cells and that only one was included in the package. the fact that there is no mention of a 2-cell package has got to be sony trying to spark speculation that one is definitely enough. Any multi-cell bundle would draw attention top battery life problems.

Joined 14 Jul 2004
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 11:13
I read it like it was standalone as well. You can seperate batteries for many gadgets but you never see them liasted like that.

On another note im glad to see the basic package price is lower than expected. 32mb of memory is more than enough for game saves.
Cream the Rabbit
Joined 4 Feb 2004
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 11:38
Great! You can buy a spare battery for £49.99, then play your PSP for FOUR HOURS in a row!

Disaster looms.

Joined 2 Sep 2004
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 11:45
It's quite disappointing that there's no option to purchase without a battery to save some cash. If I were to buy one I'd seek to waste as little cash as possible as it's quite expensive, and I'd probably only use it to play games when the gf is watching the TV (thus making my consoles unavailable). Hopefully there'll be a super slim package, as I even have a memory stick from a long unused Clie.
Joined 27 Jan 2004
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 11:50
£50 FOR A BATTERY!?!?!?
Joined 20 May 2004
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 11:54
I've gotta say, i'm guessing that it's not external, just upgradable. Then again, at E3, they did say there was an external battery you strapped to your wrist...

I suppose if it's external it makes sense; after all, they want a small machine, and most of the space on the damn thing's gonna be the UMD drive. I STILL think it's a stupid idea having a format like that, but this IS Sony, makers of the world's most underused storage medium- the MiniDisc. Oh, and the world's most easily broken removable media, the memory stick. Yeah, it's even brittler than SMARTMEDIA.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 12:05
frod wrote:
It's quite disappointing that there's no option to purchase without a battery to save some cash.

I like saving cash. But I'd much prefer a console that works. So purchasing one without a battery seems like a false economy to me. Unless you were planning to stay close to a power outlet.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 12:06
The main battery is very probably not going to be external, Sony have just list listed the battery separately in the parts list.

You wouldn't think "external battery" if Nokia listed a battery on the parts list for a phone, would you?

As to the prices, are we to expect the usual direct conversion from Dollars to Pounds for these packages? I hope not! I think 150 quid would be a good position for pack 1 since 199 dollars is about 112 quid today and we always seem to pay more in the UK. :-(

At least the basic pack contains a memory stick, I'm sick of having to remember to buy a memory card with new consoles!
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 12:07
All the people who were complaiing about the PSP being too expensive.

How does $199 grab you? It's only $50 more than DS.
Joined 3 Feb 2004
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 13:20
Listen..I'm not a fan of portable consoles at all. let alone Sony, but what it will offer to me is a nice package at any of those price points. It will play games, movies, music and support wireless play . I'm in. The DS is ok, but the two screen gimmick is for kids. I won't be playing games on a portable for hours on end, so the battery life at 4 or 6 hours is cool. If they can up the movie playback to longer than about 2 hours then they definately have me sold as a first time buyer.
Joined 24 May 2004
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 14:27
LOL the different packages worked so well for the PSX its got to succed in America. I suspect if they do do this there will be a lot of package 1 sold and almost no package 2's or 3's unless they can justify a camera or GPS. WTF you need a GPS for. Unless there is a GPS game that will be so useless, although Japanese seem to like the extra package goodies.
Joined 27 Jan 2004
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 15:00
acidviper wrote:
WTF you need a GPS for. Unless there is a GPS game that will be so useless, although Japanese seem to like the extra package goodies.
Maybe they expect you to be that engrossed that you'll miss your stop on public transport and need it to find out where on earth you are... of course, if it uses gps doesn't that block you from using it on aircraft because of the signal?
Joined 4 Oct 2004
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 15:15
SORRY, FAKE. This was from an admittedly fake post. Was this based on the OPM UK scan? If so, check it for a littany of spelling errors.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 19:54
That's very nice and I still want one, but a DS comes first, because it's out first and system and games will be reasonably priced for me personally anyway. An extra 60-100 quid (60 onto the DS's 90+40 for a game) to the kid in the strreet is a lot of pocket money to save.

I feel Sony are really playing us all for suckers. The first pack is ok, but the other two seemed trumped up. If they gave us the option to buy the memory stick of our choice seperately at launch that would help. Problem is eventually you'll have to buy another and that is a bad day for hand helds.

I know it's easy for some to say the DS touch biz is a gimmick for kids, but I reckon they will prove folk wrong. DS games for 30 quid is a very high possibility, fingers crossed.

PSP will make a nice present for some for next Xmas but if folk opt for it before is something we'll have to wait and see. We still don't know the price of the games also. If Sony say 39.99 I won't be buying PSP games til the prices comes down.

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