Ubisoft Asks Players for Assassin's Creed 3 Features

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Topic started: Tue, 7 Dec 2010 04:08
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Tue, 7 Dec 2010 04:08
send courtesans into a group of npcs that arent guards to convert them into some use of their profession, more diverse npcs
Tue, 7 Dec 2010 10:07
enhanced Eagle Vision to plan your tactics more efficiently- yeh somethign like this but also with the concept of time so you have to do somehting at the right time when the target is at a specific place and then you can kill him.
Tue, 7 Dec 2010 18:25
Add weather elements into AC3. Also add a soundtrack reminiscent of The movie the Da Vinci Code..
Wed, 8 Dec 2010 01:33
- enhance eagle vision so it will also show where the guards path so you can plan your tactics better
- put weather as a factor like rain, snow, windy, etc
- if the game is going to take place in the american revolution PLEASE DONT PUT MACHINE GUNS, thats whey we have call of duty and it also ruins the concept of the game
- bring benjamin franklin to replace da vinci if its in the american revolution settings
- put some explosive devices like little mini bombs that can be thrown
- make the game harder and same with the bosses
Wed, 8 Dec 2010 22:07
I would recomend feudal japan for a time period ninjas would make perfect assassins.
Add creation objects with materials and that sort of things (if you think japan) like to prepare diferent poisons
Sat, 11 Dec 2010 12:15
guards need to be a lot smarter and more challenging to tackle with more interesting skills rather than just our assassin characters hacking 30 guards to bits within minutes
Sat, 11 Dec 2010 12:22
england has so much history (and lots of weather patterns!) almost any time period there would be interesting! plus dont limit the series to just a trilogy. I personally am very interested in loads of time periods, the series has the potential to continue for loads of games yet (hate to be a bitch but look how many call of duty games there are and they are still dead popular!)
Sat, 11 Dec 2010 12:23
egypt would be good for crypts and tombs, but it's right next door to the holy land from AC1 so the people, guards and cities might look fairly similar
Sat, 11 Dec 2010 12:27
the next game would be cool to play as a child that is born into the brotherhood who is then trained from childhood then is sent out with some other assassins (who could act as the BAM characters) to a certain country and fight the templars in a series of cities. the BAM would have more purpose and demand if the guards are made a lot more dangerous to fight which would make the game a lot more interesting
Sat, 11 Dec 2010 12:30
in terms of guns only go as far as the napoleonic period also projectile weapons like bullets, arrows/crossbow bolts and throwing knives should be alot more damaging to make the game harder plus falling from rooftops should be very damaging
Sat, 11 Dec 2010 12:32
i liked how at the beginning of brotherhood ezio was limping from being shot so he had to go get healed, that should happen every time you are close to desynchronisation where you are injured so you have to go visit a doctor. if guards are after you that means you have to call in your assassins to give you time to escape
Sat, 11 Dec 2010 12:33
i liked how at the beginning of brotherhood ezio was limping from being shot so he had to go get healed, that should happen every time you are close to desynchronisation where you are injured so you have to go visit a doctor. if guards are after you that means you have to call in your assassins to give you time to escape
Sat, 11 Dec 2010 12:37
Ancient Rome/Greece would be cool to visit also your assassin could be disguised as a soldier (a legionnary for example) fighting in the front lines of a massive famous battle and then in the chaos of battle, the assassin breaks ranks and goes looking for his target on the battlefield. i know weve seen the battle of viana but it wasnt as big a scale as i thought it would have been, we only saw a small part of it. BIG BATTLES THOUSANDS OF TROOPS EVERYWHERE!!!
Mon, 20 Dec 2010 16:45
I agree with an English setting. How about the British Empire? There is an Industrial Rrevolution going on back in England, which would add an interesting new dimension to the game, while at the same time, you would be able to visit all the other countries in the Empire (roughly 1/4 of the world), and visit the British Army fighting in huge battles.
Anyways, I think the destination is already decided, American Civil War or the French Revolution, one of the two most likely.
I'd like to see different cities back, and a weather system would be a MASSIVE improvement, but it should be made interesting. Wind-movments are hampered. Snow-ground it slippy etc. Also much more armour and customisation options. Needs more than just Asssassin Amrour and The Armour of Brutus (or Altair etc.). Different levels of Assassin Armour, that have customisable colour and additions. More interesting weapons for guards, and better free-running abilities- perhaps new moves learnt as you progress through the game- exanding on AC2. And, develop the Brotherhood, like in... Brotherhood. But be able to make changes the hideout, and promote and demote Assassins at will (if you are Head Assassin that is).
LONGER STORYLINE AND MORE SIDE MISSIONS. So far, the games have been pretty long, but I think they should be longer. The storyline definatly, but side missions to some extent. Like mercaniry missions, more Assassination Contracts etc, or perhaps missions to steal secret information etc. As well as that, more interesting games, like horse races, sparring games etc.
Mon, 3 Jan 2011 00:36
Climb and hide in trees
faster horses
weather changing element
improve graphics
more plants and vegetation around the AC World to bring colour like uncharted
And if its going to be in adam and eve time then there should be a joungle like near the mayan
plus make it look like the truth video
different terrain's across the AC world like in Just cause 2
Ubisoft needs me in their company i have great ideas
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