Future Publishing COO Leaves Immediately

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Topic started: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 10:40
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Joined 18 May 2010
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 10:40
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 11:01
I believe that the last figures showed something like 70-30 for on-line vs print, I have a feeling this kind of print wont be round much longer. so sad, I remember picking up my Amiga format every month, but I think the last gaming publication i bought in print was about 2001 when i was a avid reader of EDGE magazine majority of that though was for the cover art. o wait i tell a lie i bought the kids a Official Nintendo Mag about 4 weeks ago for the pokemon s**t on the front.
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 11:06
Jimmer wrote:

I didn't mind Simon when I worked briefly with him in 1999 actually.


Joined 6 Nov 2006
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 11:07
haritori wrote:
I believe that the last figures showed something like 70-30 for on-line vs print, I have a feeling this kind of print wont be round much longer. so sad, I remember picking up my Amiga format every month...

Did someone mention Amiga Format? I hope you bought all the Specials as well. Mostly the Specials actually.

Joined 18 May 2010
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 11:07
Future have always been negligent regarding the predictable rise of t'interweb. With their staff and resources they should have had the dominant games website for the past 10 years.

Managed correctly, such a website could have driven mag sales/subscriptions, yet they were way too concerned about giving away any content "for free" online.

Joined 4 Jul 2007
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 11:15
funny I have a Xmas edition stashed in a cupboard somewhere and I saw it a few months ago and saw your review of cannon fodder Tim and if I remember correctly you gave it a decent score too cant remember the year though. ahh i am sure I based my purchase of cannon fodder on that review, who knew id follow you here!

[edit] 1993!! I cant believe I still have it and what's even funnier is the floppy is still stuck to front with cannon soccer a mix of sensible and cannon fodder lol! although the magazine is in quite terrible condition but still readable.
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 11:26
haritori wrote:
funny I have a Xmas edition stashed in a cupboard somewhere and I saw it a few months ago and saw your review of cannon fodder Tim and if I remember correctly you gave it a decent score too....

"This is disgusting. Appalling. Shameful. This is irresponsible, degrading, vile, gross, rotten, dismal and thoroughly despicable."

One of my favourite opening paragraphs to a review ever actually.

Blimey, I gave it 95%!


I don't have a super memory by the way... http://amr.abime.net/review_2906
Wed, 15 Sep 2010 19:07
Wear is a always will be a bully. He made people feel great about themselves but he equally took that away at a whim. He was a cancer within Future and I suspect there will be more, lower management, departures in the near future. Wood is clearing out the old dead wood and looking to plant a few new trees. Good luck to him as Future is an amazing place to work with amazing people as well. Just a shame about a few idiots that let it go to their heads......Wear being one of them......glad to see the back of him!
Joined 18 May 2010
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 09:04
bobber wrote:
Wear is a always will be a bully. He made people feel great about themselves but he equally took that away at a whim. He was a cancer within Future and I suspect there will be more, lower management, departures in the near future. Wood is clearing out the old dead wood and looking to plant a few new trees. Good luck to him as Future is an amazing place to work with amazing people as well. Just a shame about a few idiots that let it go to their heads......Wear being one of them......glad to see the back of him!


As the kids would say.
Sat, 18 Sep 2010 17:28
No idea if you ever had the pleasure of working with him, but I did.....not a pleasant experience I have to say.
Sly Reflex
Joined 20 Jul 2010
Sat, 18 Sep 2010 17:43
When you look at the games mags back in the day there was a whole rack of them. Not really like that now, a tiny proportion of what it used to be when you visit the newsagents.

Personally I used to get Commodore Format along with ZZAP!64. When I graduated to the Amiga 1200 one Christmas this evolved into getting Amiga Format. I used to get occasional Amiga Powers too, but it was mainly a one off thing. Getting the PS1 saw an influx of mags, Essential and official were the main ones, but when PSW came out I moved across to that. Once they started banging on about the PS2 I lost interest in gaming and didn't game for a few years, life got in the way. Not until I played Super Monkey Ball round at a mates house that I got back into gaming and started to buy EDGE, and at the time games™ which had just started with its very first issue. Not strayed far since then, although I have missed a few issues due to been indifferent about what wares they are peddling on each month.
Joined 18 May 2010
Mon, 20 Sep 2010 09:16
bobber wrote:
No idea if you ever had the pleasure of working with him, but I did.....not a pleasant experience I have to say.

Never worked directly with him but saw him about the place when I was there. I know his type. Spent some time at a trade show with Price before he became the head honcho. Couldn't stand the tosser. Can imagine he became more of an arsehole the higher he went.
Wed, 22 Sep 2010 14:04
Wear was self serving and did nothing to make the company better, most likely worse, sucking money from the business with his salary he didn't not deserve.

The new CEO is one of the best things Future has done in recent years. An external appointment will finally break up the buddy buddy cycle that has existed for too long, keeping bad managers in high positions, and their terrible decisions, wasting money and making the people that create the content suffer as a result.
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Wed, 22 Sep 2010 14:36
Someone wrote:
The new CEO is one of the best things Future has done in recent years. An external appointment will finally break up the buddy buddy cycle that has existed for too long, keeping bad managers in high positions, and their terrible decisions, wasting money and making the people that create the content suffer as a result.

Strangely familiar sounding this. I seem to remember me saying something similar when in my cups in Hatchetts (The Raven) after New Computer Express was closed... in 1991 or something.

Wasn't Robert Price an external appointment? Wasn't Stevie Spring when she replaced Greg? Then again, I consider anybody who replaced Chris Anderson, Greg Ingham, Kevin Cox and Bob Wade to be external appointments...

I am indeed very old indeed.


Joined 18 May 2010
Wed, 22 Sep 2010 15:57
Price was at Future for quite a while before he became the big cheesy bellend.

I fondly remember Wiff ranting in Hatchett's...


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