Heavy Rain Stock Shortages as PS3 Problems Persist

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Topic started: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 15:38
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Mon, 1 Mar 2010 15:38
bought the game today and now i cant play it thanks sony i now own a £300 paper weight
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 15:45
I bought Heavy Rain Friday and it's fantastic! I reckon I'm almost finished with my 1st playthrough and there will definitely be many more! It's always nice to see a new genre that isn't a shooting game or a sports game sell so well.

Just a shame a lot of us can't play it today.

: (
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 15:59
Finished it! AWESOME! But my first try went wrong, i did not catch origami killer and my main characters died :( but gameplay is fantastic! Thumbs up!
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 16:12
Doh, me too! Frustrating!!
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 16:14
I've got an old PS3 and it works fine apart from one freeze. I'm almost through my second playthrough.
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 16:25
Played mw2 last night and got signed out of playstation network...but was still able to play in the online game mode...
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 17:26
so this is how Sony treats their loyal fans who bought the original Ps3. Not only did they realease something smaller with more memory.
But then we try to support even more by purchasing exclusives, all to have them malfunction are Ps3! And for what? So we can go out and purchase an Ps3 Slim? They better fix this problem, or it will be the end of the line for me as a Sony follower...
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 17:32
Draven...STFU, we all know you are an XBOT so go back to playing mass effect and getting ripped of by Microsoft. This is sony's first worldwide problem and they are working to fix it unlike, the RROD problem with microsoft. So go ahead and make the switch lets see how that works out for you...
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 17:35
People really are blowing this out of proportion. They will come out with a patch, it's not like they are putting the issue aside. The only problem sony had was they didn't see it coming, like no one else did. If they don't come out with a patch then they will surely offer hardware fix (much like if you cd drive breaks and you have to send it to sony) for free. I mean, what do you do when the Xbox red rings? Send it in and MS will fix it. Sony works the same way....
PS360 owner
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 18:03
@ Steven: This is not sony's first worldwide problem. Sony have had many problems and are well known for it, their reputation is terrible in japan and are generally hated thanks to their mythical 'killswitch'.. and that's where the company was founded! Maybe google Sony Recall and realise -nothing- is perfect before jumping on your high horse and automatically assuming someone is an 'XBOT' personally i'd be pretty damn pissed if I got the first ps3 and was met with this so quit being little fanboy and learn to accept the merrits of both machines, you know what the glory of being able to do that is? When my PS3 goes down I can play my xbox and vice versa.
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 18:22
I don't know why everyone is blowing this out of the water. I have a broken leg and have to saty in and i'm not to bothered lol Don't worry people it will be fixed by this time tommorrow.
SOme guy
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 19:08
IT WILL all be fine we all hope or sony gonan have a s**t load to deal with if the older models are keeping f**ked up heavy rain on the other hand simpley epic
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 20:40
@ the 2 people whining
both consoles have good and bad points, i have both (well 1 working one lol guess which:P) i like both consoles, though i will admit i prefer the 360 for some reasons over the ps3. Sony's service is brilliant in comparison to miscrosoft... who charge for a very long lousy service (took 3 mmonths to repair console last time for £60!! should have bought a second hand one...), so you know they will fix this or do a recall. so people have no need to worry too much ^_^
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 21:23
not impressed finally found the game in stock somewhere an cant play it,nice one sony :(
Mon, 1 Mar 2010 23:54
@Anom Just a quick note to all affected by the recent ps3 problem.I was still getting it until 10mins ago,Iwent to settings and updated the date via internet,reset it and signed into network,and no problems so far.Might just be that simple,or I got lucky,worth a try.
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