Microsoft's Pre-Owned-Killing Scheme Unveiled in Report

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Topic started: Sat, 25 May 2013 00:30
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Sat, 25 May 2013 00:30
I wonder if MS has factored in the uintntedned consequences angle on this? Aren't they aware that this will, de facto, make any retailer that makes money on used games (up to and including behemoths like Wal-Mart in the USA) far more inclined to push PS4 and U over the One? MS *needs* retailers for this, and yet they don't seem to understand the basic economics--or the concept of first-sale doctrine, basically holy writ in Western civ.

Furthermore, this will do two things:

1. It will ensure that new game prices stay higher, longer, than they otherwise would, thus costing MS sales by locking out lower tier customers.
2. That used game prices will stay higher as well, having the same effect.

Both of the above will cost MS marketshare, and I very much doubt they've really run all the angles on how they may get a few more first-tier pricing sales, but they'll loose the war at the obttom once word gets out to Main St.--this is not a trade-off MS is going to want because all of these variables will pile up into a userbase-destroying, cat 5, ****-storm.

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