The Code of Silence

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Topic started: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 13:09
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Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 19 Mar 2009 13:09
I think the games industry does its best against a tide, and they'd be more prepared to take a chuck of humble criticism, if the other parties involved did the same (EG: those who makes guns, and maybe their sellers too, the film and music etc).

Sure, games like all other stimuli have an impact on the user/non user (which can be positive or negative as you say). But all these things us human use are made by us. I think its better to just say some of us are totally sane, some in between, and others knocking on batshit crazy, with a weird fascination of self destruction.

There's little sign of this ever being solved, since news media are an established presence, that even they can lie and jazz things up and get away with it. Add governments to that 'lack of honesty' equation and you'll see that we are always getting screwed. Legislation and laws do little, because the average guy in the street cares or know little about them. Its like they ask, who watches the Watchmen??

Censorship was once a good idea perhaps, but will never win now, for one simple reason, the internet. With the rise of DLC, games can push the envelope of what was previously possible, that normal retail channel won't allow. Beyond even console/pc DLC, there's the piracy/homebrew element, which is a vast unchecked area freeland games and aps.

The Comic Code served its purpose, but had the detriment effect of shrinking the diversity of comics down to mostly superhero stuff. While the years have past by, little has changed there, apart from the rise of some indies bucking the trend. Its a shame, even today, to not see more diverse comics get a look in, because of the latest ziliionth Spidey adventure. This is why I resort to a lot of manga or indies these days, I need something more diverse that's missing.

Too much censorship will hurt the games industry in the long run. And with online option looking more tempting and reaching the audience at a few clicks, censors risk being cut out of the picture entirely.

For all entertainment, creators (and to a degree sensors) need to remember that they are in the end, paying for people's time and attention. To keep that time is costly, but there's plenty of other things people can do in their time, without restriction or censorship. Potential sales of films and games always take a hit in the summer for a reason like this.
editor in chief
Sun, 22 Mar 2009 15:43
Hammett's christian name has an 'i' in it, just as printed on the Maltese Falcon's cover. I suggest that you amend this (along with all the other missing letters in this piece) before the editor notices, especially as it's illustrated part way down the page.

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