Microsoft-Sony Domain Registrations a "Defensive Hold"

The two companies are great partners.

Posted by Staff
Microsoft went and registered some rather strange domain names the other day, both containing the name 'Sony.' The mystery was not so much solved as it was half-explained by corporate communications lead Frank X. Shaw, calling the move a "defensive" one.

Posting on Twitter in response to the "" and "" domains, Shaw wrote: "re: sony/ms domain names: Sony = great MS partner. No scoop here, this was just a defensive domain hold. Let's move on to weekend, kay? :)"

Still doesn't really explain an awful lot, but then again with all the hoo-hah surrounding Activision's own domain name woes it stands to reason that Microsoft might want to protect any URLs that it may want to use in the future. Still though, Sony? Our bets are on Windows Phone 7-related announcements.


SPInGSPOnG 18 Jul 2011 10:27
Reckon I'll register and wait for the moolah to come flooding in.
scy 18 Jul 2011 18:30
How about microsoft-todd lol
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